Curiosity by science

Curiosity by science

1. Of an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

2 路 We have 32 cats brain muscles.

3 路 Seoul (capital of South Korea) in the local language means capital.

4 路 In the U.S. one third of black people between 20-29 years old are in jail or under investigation.

5 路 A male spends an average of 3350 hours being shaved shaving.

6 路 When a glass breaks some pieces were distributed to 3,000 miles per hour speeds.

7 路 before Beethoven compose introduce head in cold water.

8 路 planet Uranus can be seen with the naked eye.

9 路 with large iceberg measuring up to now has been to 200 miles in length and width 60 miles, he has been an area greater than Belgium.

10 路 swell with the largest recorded to date was in 1971 in IShigaki Island, Japan, with 85 m height.

11 路 On a clear night you can see about 2,000 stars with the naked eye.

Only female mosquitoes 路 12 piskojne.

路 13 annual births in India, the population of Australia pass.

路 14 sallatorit 96%, is water.

We 路 15 1 kg lemon has more sugar than the 1 kg strawberries.

16 路 state with more paved roads is France.

Einstein 路 17 until the age of 9-year-old did not speak normally.

18 路 An eagle can see her prejen to 3000 feet away.

路 19 horses can stay up to one month on foot.

It is 路 20 can not teshtish without eyes closed.

路 21 Butterflies taste through the legs.

路 22 Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

23 路 An average person laughs 13 times a day.

We 路 24 nejriut body with strong muscle is the tongue.

路 25 irrespective of the size and thickness of a sheet can not be folded more than 9 times.

路 26 Women's eyes threw 2 times more than men.

27 --- In the year 1750 the world lived about 800 million people, one billion in 1850 and more in 1950 and another one billion more. Then it took only 50 years to be doubled ie. 6 billion.

28 --- Half the world's population earns only about 5% of the world's assets.

29 --- Although the world has more than 600 million smartphones, half of the world has not made any call.

30 --- on Mother's Day in the U.S. become more personal that we call every other day to every other state.

31 --- 1 in 10 people in the world live in the island.

32 --- In 1870 lived in London more Irish than in Dublin.

33 --- Opportunity for the fallen lightning is 1 in 600,000

-34 - About 27% of food in developing countries ends Garbage bins.

35 --- Half of the population of the world is under the age of 25 years old.

36 --- In the West, people move house on average 1 time in 7 years.

37 --- U.S. Postal Service sends about 43% of the world's mail, with the closest pursuer is Japonima by 6%.

-38 - We developed countries% of married adults dropped from 72% in 1970 to 60% in 1996. Opportunity for divorce in the first marriage rose from 50% to 67%. Opportunity for divorce in a second marriage is 10% higher than in the first marriage.

39 --- Average in the world go to school 200 days, 180 days in the U.S., in Sweden 170 days, 243 days in Japan.

40 --- Since 1972 have produced about 64 million tonnes of aluminum cans (about 3 trillion cans). If they are placed one after the other, can reach up to 1000 times Monday. Alumina cans make up 1% of the waste materials.

41 --- More than 1 billion .... Transistorized produced every second.


42 --- According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census known, 19% of children in America live in poverty.

43 --- In Australia there are more than 150 million sheep and a population of about 17 million.

44 --- New Zealand has 4 million people and 70 million sheep.


45 --- In the arm of a monkey has about 25 million hairs.


-46 - DNA has a size of 1 to thousandths of a millimeter, consists of about 200 billion atoms and containing one million pages of knowledge.


47 --- An average person spends 3 years of life in the bathroom.


48 --- Fish forget every thing that occurred only after 10 min.


49 --- modern computers are built based on the nervous system, but also modern computer does not even approaching a level zvarritesi.




50 - Honey can stay without breaking 3000 years and therefore used honey wax mumjazimit process.



51 --- The man is 2.75 cm tall


52 --- ants feel that the first earthquake and immediately emerge from nests.


53 --- In the face of a cat are 146 muscles.


54 --- sharks do not fall ill.


-55 - Turtles can move 1 km per hour.


56 --- If I could be using 13% of the brain, could be shfaqeshim from one place to another.

57 --- The Ostrich have eyes bigger than the brain.


58 --- Entry headed ant nest permanently from the North.



59 --- If human forearm will be placed one after another could be pershkronin equator 2 times.


60 --- Former of Nobel prize, Alfred Nobel was actually a fabrikator dynamite.



61-Ivan IV. who came to power in Russia in 1533, killed his son for allegedly intended to take the throne.


62.Nje man needs 12 years to count from 1 to 1 billion. take the throne.


63 --- rats can not cast up.

His brain bake in the oven computer software.

It is neat to find the mind of the thirteen root of a 200 digit number.

After those glasses hide a university student, record man of mathematics.

Alexis Lemaire is 24 years old and studying information. There is new for such records as we did in 1988 or 13 4 55 seconds to read a number with 100 digits.

Experts say "fight against time is a challenge to decide on research increasingly complex, the different ways to organize memory just like a computer program for" Alesix do this, every day aggiornon kompjuterir sofware to see the results. "

The recent attempt last Friday in Paris with the numbers 200 numbers were selected by a computer. It was not easy for either man to record mathematics, to find the root of the mind 13. Numerous attempts were however mbrekullia finally happened.

One such experiment in April Alexis had tried before a jury selected by the magazine specializing in science. The then things had gone wrong, made 8 minutes to find the root math. Friday rrallua longest time was one of the three quarters.

--- In 1750 the world lived about 800 million people, in 1850 a billion more in 1950 and another billion more. Mastaj it took only 50 years to double meaning. 6 billion.

--- Half the world's population earns only about 5% of the wealth in the world.

--- Although the world has more than 600 million phones, half the world has not made any call.

--- On Mothers Day in the U.S. become more personal calls than any other day in any other state.

--- 1 in 10 people in the world live on the island.

--- In 1870 lived in London more Irish than in Dublin.

--- Access to the fallen lightning is 1 in 600,000

--- About 27% of food in developing countries ends Garbage bins.

--- Half of the world's population is under the age of 25 years.

--- In the West, people change homes averaging one every 7 years.

--- The U.S. Postal Service delivers about 43% of global mail, closest pursuer is Japonima by 6%.

--- In developed countries% of married adults dropped from 72% in 1970 to 60% in 1996. Possibility to divorce first marriage increased from 50% to 67%. Access to divorce second marriage is 10% higher than in the first marriage.

--- On average in the world go to school 200 days, 180 days in the U.S., in Sweden 170 days, 243 days in Japan.

--- Since 1972 have produced about 64 million tons of aluminum cans (about 3 trillion cans). If these will be placed one after the other, could reach the moon 1000 times. Alumina cans comprise 1% of the waste materials.

--- More than 1 billion transistors manufactured .... every second.

--- According to the U.S. Bureau of Census known, 19% of children in America live in poverty.

--- In Australia there are more than 150 million sheep and a population of about 17 million.

--- New Zealand has 4 million people and 70 million sheep.

--- On the side of a monkey has about 25 million hairs.

--- DNA has a size of 1 to thousandths of a millimeter, consists of about 200 billion atoms and containing one million pages of knowledge.

--- An average person spends 3 years of life in the bathroom.

--- Fish forget everything that was only after 10 min.


--- A grown man breathes approximately 25 000 times a day

--- Modern computers are built based on the nervous system, but also modern computer does not even approaching a level zvarritësi.

--- Honey can stand without breaking 3000 years and therefore honey wax used to process mumjazimit.

--- Man is 2.75 cm tall

--- Ants feel the earthquake that before and come away from nests.

--- In the face of a cat are 146 muscles.

--- Sharks do not get sick.

--- Turtles can walk 10 km per hour.

--- If you could use 13% of the brain, could shfaqeshim from one place to another.

--- Ostriches have eyes bigger than the brain.

--- Ant nest entrance always directed from the North.,

--- If human veins will be placed one after another could përshkronin equator 2 times.

--- Former of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel was actually a fabrikator dynamite.

--- Ivan IV. who came to power in 1533 in Russia, killed his son for allegedly intended to take the throne.

--- A man of 12 years to be numbered from 1 to 1 billion.

--- Mice can not cast up.


Lions of Science

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1. Speed ​​of light is 186,000 miles / Seconde.

2. The light should 8min 17 sec to travel from the sun to

Earth's surface.

3. In October 1999 the 6 billionth person was born.

4. 10% of all people born during the ages, are living in these moments.

5. Earth rotates with a speed of 1000 miles per hour and travels through space at 67,000 miles per hour speeds.

6. Each year, the Earth rattle over a million earthquakes.

7. Pimples with large hail that has ever root was over 1 kg and the hail worm in Bangladesh in 1986.

8. Every year lightning kill 1000 people.

9. In October 1999 a ajzberg (iceberg) the size of London sailed free of the Anktartik.

10. All the hydrogen atoms in our bodies were created about 12 billion years ago, during the Big Bang.

11. Earth, Moon and Sun are 4:56 billion years.

12. Black spiders, females eat their husbands after mating.

13. One of milionten, of miliontes, miliontes, miliontes that miliontes the second, after the Big Bang, the Universe was the size of a pear.

14. Structure of DNA that determine the material (?) Initially by Watson and Crick in 1953.

15. In 1997 scientists created the first synthetic human chromosome.

16.Termometri was created by Galileo in 1607.

17. Magnifying Lupa, was created by Englishman Roger Bacon, in 1250.

18. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866.

19. The first Nobel Prize in physics was won by Wilhelm Rontgen, in 1895, after he invented the X-rays

20. The highest tree has been a eukalips Australian, who in 1872 was 435 feet.

21. In 1967, Christiaan Barnard did the first heart transplant - his patient lived only 18 days.

22. Monkeys can understand 300 different signs.

23. Ebola virus kills 4 out of 5 people infected.

24. Giraffes sleep only 20 minutes to 24 hours. They do not ever lie.

25. Salt is still used as money around the Ethiopise nomads. In the period of Roman soldiers were paid with the flu and it comes from the word salary (salt - salary = English, salarium - Latin). Also when coins were created, we had to print a sign that indicated that the salt can be changed with them. Signs called "Hallmark" knowing that in Greek "hal" stands for salt.

26. The idea that molecules have three-dimensional form has been Louis Pasteur, who in 1844 defended the idea of ​​relying on the fact that solutions consisting of two component chemical composition the same can not break the beam of light in opposite directions .

27. Ancient Greeks, have watered after the summer box office at the time called "craters". They believed that pure alcohol, could be used only by barbarians.

28. Not far from Flagstaff, Arizona, is a crater 1.2 km wide and 200 m deep. It was created about 50,000 years ago, when a meteor struck the Earth. Assuming that the speed with which the meteor was traveling about 17.5 kilometers per second.


The sun is the closest star to Earth. Give us light and warmth.

Without the sun there would be our planet would be a world where darkness prevailed and was not living.

This giant sphere full of gas is 1.4 million km diameter equal to 109 planets like the earth gathered together.

With a mass of 2 million to triloni of the triloni triloni, its weight is equal to 330,000 times that of Earth.

Within sex sun will place 1.3 million land planets.

May look small when we see O in the Western morning, but it depends on its distance to the ground.

Located 150 million km from Earth's distance from it, delaying sunlight more or less 8 minutes to reach the Persian travels 300,000 km / s.

This means that when we look at the sunset, that happened eight minutes ago.



Months of the year originate from old Roman times. Month January (first month of the year following the year to 152 BC) god named Janus house (Januarius) who had two faces. One face symbolizes the entrance, another exit. With this assumption defended the granting of duty-konzujve who take their duty in January.

The month of February is derived from the old romakishtja "Mensis Februarius" during which celebrated the feast of redemption and purity.

By the year 152 BC month of March was the first month of the year. Roma Mars. Martius (dedicated to the Roman god of war Mars old) was the month in which the battles begin.

Month May honors father-Roman god Jupiter Maius. While June (Juni) was paid to his wife Juno.

In July (Julie) Romans honored Julius Caesar, while in August (August) its successor Augustus. For the month of April (April) supposedly derived from aperire = pills.

Because until 152 BC Since starting in March, the month of September was the seventh month of the year, October the eighth, and so on. So since 152 BC four months of the year from September to December and still called, though not the seventh month, the eight ...

Gaius Plinius Secundus, known as Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD)

The famous Roman naturalist who published in 77 AD magnificent series of 37 volumes of natural history entitled History Naturalis.

Here, in Volume VII, he writes: "The Illyrians have created the first alphabet and the Romans took their writing by Illyrians."


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