Interesting stories

Tregime interesante rreth ANGAZHIM islam


The king sat on his throne as bloated cock, the glow came from his eyes. Soldiers trembled in fear of him, because he had a strong heart as a stone, a stronger and more bitter than stone.
King moved his head as a sign that the magician may come before him. Wizard entered the warp and the head of the sitting, stood before the king and said: "I thank you with my lord allowed to appear before it. Sir, I have come to tell you that I am old and that the power has issued. I'm afraid that when I die, and my magic will die along with me. Please, sir to find a smart guy whose craftsmanship I would have learned the magic! "
King said: "Thank you, wizard! You have your whole life spent in the service of my You have been faithful and honest to your desire will do! "King ordered that the desire of the wizard completed. He was elected a smart guy and a beautiful face, smiling, and shpirtemire a shrewd guy.
Magician, after a brief glance, immediately came to the conclusion that where the guy is a treasure paqmueshem. He said: "Good choice blaming, I see that you are smart, quiet and smart. Hope not beguiled! "
So the boy started to come every day to the magician, who taught them the basics of his magic, but did not do so willingly and equally. I do not like such a profession, but what do to do! This was an order of the king of fierce and merciless, so there was no opportunity to contradict it.
One day, while going to the magician, someone called from behind as the cashier. It was a priest who lived alone in an apartment to himself, the boy who wanted to announce the truth and the religion of Allah. The boy admit to meet with and opened his heart before his lessons and advice intentioned. I was good to hear the beauty of words and the general mind of this man devoted. And so every day the boy back in this house of goodness that taught them wisdom, in order to drive out of it q'eshte good for this world and to save it for something from another world and to all people. For this wizard does not speak anything, to not find any bad. Even devout man was advised not to talk about this to anyone, until Allah SWT ordered the to something else. And well he did!
After a while, the boy and began to think more and more worried. How long will remain in fear of the royal court, magician and injustice? How to leave the wizard forever? Then, one day, he saw something many people to whom he was busy road. What was happening there?
I approached and saw a sad animals that he had caught people's way. All were afraid. The boy took a stone and set it up and said, 'Lord, if to you it is more beloved than the priest makes what do what do makes magician, kill this animal, "and then shot him with a stone moving thing, and it's shot she fell to the ground dead. People were surprised that what do with it did, began to gather around him. The boy went to the priest in order to show that what do happened. It was very worried; heart was about to go out like chest.
Chief of calm boy saying: "Son, you are better today than I was. I heard what do you do. Know that Allah SWT is with you! The believer is always on trial. Maybe I'll find something unpleasant, but be hearted and patient. I ask Allah the Glorious to help in every thing! "
The boy became increasingly devout, so more people qmonin. It started with the help of Allah fuqipote to heal the blind, the sick and the sick with leprosy others.
For this man heard from associates and advisers close to the king, who constantly make society king. Had bought numerous gifts and expensive and went to went to the boy. I said: "If you are noticing, I'm blind! If the cures, all these beautiful things will become yours! "
The boy replied: "I'm like all of you, can not heal anyone. He cures you is you and me Allah SWT If you believe in Allah, exalted, I will pray to the heal! "
Then the king's advisor said that Allah is One, One, was immediately recovered, and he was extremely gezua that Allah SWT had healed. When he recovered he bowed in gratitude to Allah SWT
The next day, the man came to the king and sat beside him as usual, the king was astonished when he saw that this was not blind. King asked: "Who you looked?" Godly man replied: "Allah, the Exalted My Lord, He sent me my eyes." The king became angry and called out: "You have a god besides me? Tell me, who is convinced that there be any god besides me? "
Advisor, after insistence that the king acknowledged that this boy had done. King ordered to bring the boy. When the champion, asked him: "Tell me son, whether your magic became so strong that now can cure the blind, sick with leprosy and to do other things rather than the usual?"
The boy replied: "I do not heal anyone, while the spell has no effect on healing. No one except Allah SWT not cures people of their diseases! "
King called out: "I'll teach you how to behave with your master! I am your god and there is no god! Hence the need to tell you who has poisoned the mind and has learned to speak so! "
The king ordered that the boy be tortured until he admitted that he was the high priest. King panicking that people will begin to worship vicarious, not him, and thus would lose his kingdom. So ordered to immediately bring to the chief. When you put him, threatened King began by saying: "You said you would with the head of turbulence? A wants people to have rebelled against me? A claim that god has me already? Away with this idea. We expect the opposite of death! "Chief refused threats and said:" My Lord is Allah, and you can not be with your force with threats to leave my faith! What to love Bey! "
There are even a few minutes passed and asked the king to bring a sword to remove the head priest. But he was unstinting in his religion, by refusing threats. The king ordered that his head be cut off, which also was made.
Then the king came to his adviser, saying: "With you I spent a lot of time and you have to shock. To advise you to let your faith and remain friends even further! "Advisor rejected this. Even though it became the chief.
The king then ordered to bring her boy, and said: "Go, my boy, your religion? It would be really bad that a guy like you to lose life because of the wrong faith. Do not sacrifice the flower of your youth, and turn to religion fathers and grandparents to be! "
The boy did not budge and remained faithful to his true religion, even though he knew it had happened qfare priest and friend of the king, and came to the king, saying:
"We believe in Allah as Lord, and have not already His god. Make of me what do you want! "
The king ordered a group of people loyal to her to send the boy to a high mountain and was there to warn him and threatened that if he did not leave his religion, will shoot in the abyss, so that be an example for others who want to do like this.
In the top of the mountain, the boy asked his Creator: "O Lord, Declare them guilty for their jobs better not!"
Immediately mount the rock and servants of the king fell into the abyss, the boy returned with sure steps, with the head elevated. When the king saw doing wrong, and he was surprised qudit.
Screaming said: "strange things are happening to you. Where are the people that I sent to you? "
The boy replied: "Allah released them. Mountain trembled gave them fell into the abyss. So they failed to carry out the crime to order from you! "
The king became angry and ordered the soldiers to send to the boy in the middle of the sea and drowned them firing there for sea waves.
The boy in the middle of the turbulent sea prayed to Allah for help, and he conceded boy prayers. King's servants who were all flooded, the boy, the boy returned with strong faith and we sure help of Allah SWT How pleasant is his answer King said: "Allah cleared by your soldiers, who became food for the fish!" King nearly burst of sorrow, when the young man full of faith in Allah said: " O king, you can not kill the while what do you say do you do for the dead! ". Without second King said: "I would like to say to act!"
The boy with the whole voice said: "Gather together the people in a place open and connect to a palm trunk! Then take an arrow from My bag and put in the bow, and then say: "In the name of Allah, the Lord of this young man!!! Then, gjuajeni arrow towards me. If you do so, you will succeed in silencing my! "
King said: "I accept!"

The people gathered in the square of the boy tied to the trunk of the palm. He took the arrow, set the bow and said, "In the name of Allah, the Lord of this young man!" Arrow struck the boy believer in his temples and killed. Die as martyr. The last words were: "La ilaha il â €" â € sallallaahu 'Allah â € "there is no god but Allah!"
People were convinced with their eyes on the boy's sincerity and all of the sweet word uttered that language can impose: "We believe in Allah, Lord of the boy!"
A serious disaster had struck the king!!! It happened that the most of panicking. The whole nation became a believer. Neither soldiers, or courtiers could not find a solution that to avoid people from the truth. They failed to find a way how to cheat and turn away from their faith in the Lord of the boy.
King did not know what do to do. Some of his friends said: "You see, it came mostly from what I feared! It was not careful enough. The whole nation became a believer. Orders opened big gaps, to be filled with wood and fireplace. Command soldiers to throw at each fire that refuses to leave his religion! "
When he did so, the order came a woman who held in his hands a newborn baby. When she sent the fire began to feel for her child, then the child spoke and said: "Be patient Mother, you are on the right path!" When the mother heard this, she fell in the fire along with child . However, chamberlain of rescued and sent to Paradise, which is promising patient insha â € "â € Allah" Allah!


1. Muslim hide his faith, fearing that if the enemy can harm him shkakoje.
2. A Muslim prays to Allah in certain situations, especially if any disaster strikes, as the boy had done.
3. Allah is the One who cures, while the doctor is not the one tool which cures.
4. The young Muslim must call others to Islam, who had acted as the boy who had called blind consultant.
5. A Muslim is strong and firm in his faith, despite the harassment to occur by others.
6. When the truth becomes clear, the Muslim is obliged to follow it, if you did the participants in the execution of the boy.
7. Oppressors and tyrants have always end their horrible and ugly affairs ever discovered, as happened with the king's unfair.


2. LOST Wallets

Mustafaja is a major commercial and rich, well-known for his sincerity among the people. So many people's trust and cooperate with us to secure the quality of the goods you sell. It was very liked, to the number of buyers increased more and more. Added to his wealth. He had bought a large commercial vessels that can buy quality goods and the qmueshem from different countries, from East, China, and countries rich in silk and perfume.
Pilgrimage and the time of the muezzin announced that, for people with time to prepare for this obligation. This call also heard Mustafaja, loved to leaving for the streets. He said to himself: "I have this obligation before Allah SWT because I am rich and have to answer to him! "
Allah SWT said:
"And for the sake of Allah, visit the Ka'ba (Hajj), is prescribed for what is likely to travel it."
(Ali Imran, 97)


Mustafaja was prepared for the road and start with the help of Allah SWT for Hajj, along with a caravan
The convoy was headed for Mecca that honor. Along the way they stopped several times in order to cease believing and performing some of their needs. Hostels is made in several places, until we reached the city of lights in Medina (Al-Medinetul-Munevvere). With them was Mustafaja. After a short break in the city, Mustafaja wanted to purchase some things for which he needs. When you put your hand in the pockets of his wallet to njerre, purse was not. The rummage through his clothes and was horrified when it is not found. For his bad luck became clear that they had lost wallet together with the money they had taken to the streets. The handbag had three thousand dinars, which is a very big deal. This sum of money will help him to cover the cost of the road to the pilgrimage would have left many others, that thought to confer the poor in Makkah honest. What to do now? The lost property required!
Mustafaja sika thought it could have happened, but there was not disappointed and mulling his intention to carry out its obligation. I agreed with this, saying that it was written by Allah SWT He was rich, however, that no property worth thousands of shillings, so you can borrow from friends who traveled with him. When you perform Hajj and return home to them in borrowed money. Asked to borrow some of that money, something for which all were willing to be in his service, for the reason that the qmonin, so he gathered as requested. The head of its obligation of Hajj and gave the poor was something of money, just as he had thought at the beginning of the road and returned to his hometown. Was glad and happy that Allah SWT had enabled a case like this. Debt soon brought back by people who had borrowed money, thanking wholeheartedly.

Disasters I kept on coming Mustafa

Mustafaja days passed even further was a big merchant who enjoyed respect. He lived in prosperity, because Allah SWT had given him wealth and numerous children had given their happiness and health. Increasingly thanks and glorifying Allah SWT for a blessing had been given. Never had forgotten to teach their children to be good and exemplary believers, to be an example with their behavior and give thanks to Allah SWT, and to seek His forgiveness when we are alone or public place.
Mustafaja had two boys and a girl who was still in the bay. He fed and cared for them. I had learned to behave well and respect their parents.
One day, when Mustafaja sat at the table and drekonte with his wife and children, someone knocked on the door of his house. Mustafa one of the boys went to open the door. It was his servant Hassan, who demanded his lord for bje very important thing. Mustafaja got up from the table and asked, "what is it that's important to me which is uncomfortable?" Servant silent for a while as mute, was pale and trembling with fear and worry. Mustafa asked once again: "Speak something, what is that you're so afraid of? With the conjecture holds! "Hasan responded:" Sir, your ship is sunk during its return from India with entire merchandise that we have to! "
Mustafaja head lowered slightly due to this painful news to him said: "No exit without assistance or aid of Allah, the Glorified. Return to shop. This is the will of Allah SWT and nothing can change my fate has ordained that Allah SWT
Mustafaja its shepine entered and sat at the table end his lunch with his wife and children. Do not worry I wept nor had his fate will be to Allah, even though it constituted ship three-quarters of his wealth. Returned to his work with full enthusiasm and desire, set you back as soon as possible to his lost fortune.
After several days, the news hit the fatal drowning of his sons. An old wall that fell on them, so they were left under its ruins, even though people were trying to be drawn that there alive.
Mustafaja wept and bother for them, but soon recovered his strength, because he knew that disasters should afford the patience, prayed to Allah SWT that's thanks to them to include the mercy of God.
Pain and alleviate his boredom thought that his sons had been good and obedient to his parents. Had completely left his fate to Allah He protects you in love.
Mustafaja remained with his wife and little daughter. However, his work did not go more easily as before, his profit to become increasingly smaller. He was forced to sell his house and buy a bigger one with the small, modest. Store was not full of qmueshem commodity, to the number of buyers zvoglohej for every day. Ceded servants in search of rich merchants. Musatafase increasingly came to his authority that we finally had to let go of his city, he was ashamed to look people in the eye. It was made an example of a very rich man who was soon made the varfrer. After the expensive clothes and beautiful clothes to keep arrnuara now. Once had servants around him and knew that often the poor to help the now barely living.
Decided to leave his hometown of Allah maybe it changes their financial condition of his best. Perhaps honor is lucky jell. USCIS talked about this with him, and she agreed to this, and even encouraged to do so. Even she can not endure slander and intentional views of women that bad after great wealth was left without anything and that the family had left their fate. She endured and despite all tried to help her husband in his misfortune, but the situation now was done without the patient and together they decided to leave their residence so far and wanted to gain a better and happier life .
Mustafa patient's wife prepared some food for the road necessary. He watched with sorrow his town from a small window in remembrance of his happiest days. If we dream of hearing the voice of the woman who said that every thing was ready for the road. The girl got the smallest hands and gently embraced in the eyes of his tears were presented, who tried to hide from his wife. His wife took him some food that had to route. It was a good wife, the patient and the audible. It used to be rich, but all had human behavior. When revert, this fate which had given them Allah SWT accepted so very quiet. Even in these moments of heavy for her husband was near him and together with the Belle make this disaster that had struck. And now we go with the unknown even though he was in the ninth month of pregnancy can be born in every moment.
During road Mustafaja and his wife stopped in a village and buy some necessary things for them. After a long journey and arrived in a heavy large city in which the thought of going. Immediately after entering the city, his wife began to complain about the pain of childbirth. It seems that the moment had come to birth. Mustafa found an old house on the outskirts of the city issued, no doors and no roof, and settled here. He then rushed to the city, the night had begun to cede the city. Came to town, but did not buy anything, because all the shops were closed. Walking city streets used to call upon the heart Allah SWT that probably would find any shop open. Then we found an open and extremely gezua.


Mustafaja it bought milk and oil. Seller asked: "Where is your terracotta pot?" Mustafaja replied: "I am a foreigner and I do not jar." "Then pay bail for terracotta pot!" Mustafa asked how disappointed wants? "Five dirhams!" Replied the seller. Mustafaja silenced. The seller said: "Q'eshte with you, man?" Mustafaja said: "I do not, I have only one ounce! Give me that (vp terracotta pot), and I promise you it will pay you back! "
Best Seller understands that poverty and need q'eshte Musatafase and his mercy terracotta pot filled with milk and sprinkled in a little oil. Mustafa gave saying: "Do not forget that we turn my breakfast!" Mustafaja thanked and promised to return it without delay. He took the hands terracotta pot and left happy just by forgetting for a moment their problems. I seemed to send his wife a gift to his qmueshme. It was waiting for a delicious food after the painful birth. Then fell to remember that it was only issued in a house and destroyed and conquered fear of childbirth maybe something happened, maybe there was need help. I hastened his steps passing through the dark alleys of the city. There was nowhere to transition. People went to their homes to rest after the arduous day.
Mustafaja hecta with quick steps and suddenly crashes, the pot along with the milk out of hand and the whole decoupled. Mustafa's gripped the papershkruar a disappointment. His eyes were ranked photographs from his life - wealth and abundance, and now, misery, poverty and annoyance. No matter how the patient was, this can not endure. Opened Allah SWT his heart broken and emptied his entire boredom with a painful wail. Crying out loud so much that from childhood he had not cried so. Oil broke his silence of the night, and a man opened the window to see who is crying, and asked: "O man Q'ke? Why are you crying? "Mustafaja the head turned from the window and replied:" The pot of milk fell and broke! "One of the window said:" O, Lord, a grown man like you, to cry because it has fallen pot with milk, a servant of any gentleman are stingy? Q'eshte with people these days? The inhibit people by their broken sleep for a few dirhams! "Then the window crashing, Mustafaja said:" Allah would forgive you! "Immediately the pieces looked out the Jar wet from spilled milk and wife reminded him that will arise and what do not have to eat. Life was black in his eyes, especially when he thought that his wife could ket something bad happened. Perhaps it is dead and maybe his little daughter died with him.
Immediately oil burst with a loud voice, that there was no money, the food will be provided!? The man turned and rebuked the former: "Relax, man! Why are we not? And let us go to sleep! People were very bad things happen, do not ask for help nor do cry! "Mustafaja said:" Allah would forgive! The first ten years I've lost my wallet along with three thousand dinars and no tears have not issued nor did I weep because I was having. Now you see, I cry for a few dirhams, more than I do! "The man said:" What 's you lost? "Mustafaja said:" wallet with three thousand dinars! "Man:" I saw the Lord described! " Mustafa: "Even if the derides? Let me alone, what if you win describe? "Man:" I saw the Lord, described, and I seriously do not mahitem! "Mustafa was silent and said to himself:" There is no way out, no help, no force without the All- Allah the Exalted, and now I'm in this situation padalshme, and now this man wants to describe my wallet which I missed the first ten years. And that now wants tq fun! "
Then it took the hand and said again, "described the lost wallet!" Mustafa replied: "I'll tell if the issues - is black purse, embroidered with red thread, has three pockets, in each by a thousand dinars. Now are you happy? Drop by Allah to have mercy! "
The man asked: "Who shall send food?" Mustafaja said: "my wife, which I left in an abandoned house and she is ready to arise, and perhaps now already born, and there is no one to help "Man:" You and your wife are in my guest! Come to go and get it! "
Mustafaja was happy because of the unexpected goodness of this man. I was hurrying along to take his wife and daughter. I found and brought the woman was not born yet. Gave a room and asked his wife to take care of Mustafa's wife.
By the middle of the night, the woman gave birth to son Mustafa. Mustafaja rejoiced and thanked Allah SWT


In the morning he came to their host while eating her breakfast and conversation started. Mustafa host asked: "By working what do you do?" Mustafa said: "I was trgtar and know this work, but now I am poor if you do not have to see and what to trade with. I came here to look for work, possibly on any other trade. "
The host said: "What do you say, to participate with me in a small commercial work? Now I will give for the first hundred dinars to the starting job, then profits will share. "After a few days, Mustafaja turned to his host and said his new friend:" I made the trade and I gained fifty shillings, half is yours! "the man said:" uniting this money to your profit and trgto them to win more! "
Mustafa returned to the market, with full willingness to work. Fear of poverty was removed, to see life not as black as before. Allah gives and Allah forbids. Allah saved from poverty when it was the most difficult, so it worked out smoothly, the language and the heart itself constantly utilized to glorify and thank you Allah SWT
Knew to show his deep gratitude to his host for the help given. When went back and spent several weeks gave half the profits.
Man Mustafa said: "Look my friend, now would I say something after you reached the tranquility and comfort of your heart."
Mustafaja asked: "What will you tell me, my brother?" The man said: "Do you remember that you have lost wallet of money?" This replied: "Yes, I remember, will never forget this!" Man: "You asked if I could describe my wallet you do this." Mustafaja said: "Yes, I had this when I was doing that night crying!" Man went to a fancy cash and issued a wallet: "Is this your purse?" Mustafaja took breath with difficulty and almost came when he saw the soul of his wallet. From great joy and shock of losing consciousness. When you woke up, the man said: "By Allah, where did you find it?" Man responded: "I found the first ten years en route to the hajj. I told a man who yelled out loud, who has lost wallet, but nobody answered, so I took you to keep praying to Allah SWT to assist in finding the owner of this handbag. I do not eat haram. I thank Allah Who has sent to this city and has enabled me to return the wallet when you were out most need of money! This money is earned halal. Take your wallet and the money that previously prevailed, because I gave them one hundred shillings from your wallet! "
Mustafaja thanked the man for every thing that he had made, and prayed to Allah SWT you even more to help because of his sincerity and nobility.
Was raised to life again Mustafaja and his family: "The Muslim world is still full of kindness and sincerity, when there are still such what do you. Allah tests His creation. It seems as if God had given unto you we trust the money, you could turn to me only when I do most need them. "Then read the Quran honored:
"And those who take care trusts entrusted to them and to their obligations. And those who perform their prayers on time - they are worthy successor, who will inherit Paradise: they will live forever in it. "InshaAll of Allah.


                 3. MEMORIES WITH Sentinel

Nor to ask how happy we were when we made a garden in the vicinity of the main square! The whole of what we found to make informed that the site was prepared for children. There were ten seats floating with numerous colorful, with leather tie. But none of all this can not compare to the beauty of the geese that swim through pools, with beautiful fountain, whose water flowing in pools, causing a ripple beautiful, whose voice through in our ears.
How wonderful that this garden is ours!


I knew to go to go to the garden an hour before sunset, we percellje youngest brother, Verdant. There shoqeroheshim with other children in our neighborhood. We were at an age and length, so even our steps were the same. When we entered the garden, we would leave our hands, our eyes we distributed the entire garden, our feet running towards the swings and pools. My brother and I often small Riska lagnim some bread and geese hunt them. When Uncle Recep take in hand his whistle and blow him the sentence that garden doors will be closed soon. Time of the game and the entertainment had passed. Then leave the keeper until he reached any of us. Even this part of the game was that our beloved.


It is right to say: "He is the officer who deserves respect!"
We look visually smooth fathers, always with a smiling face when we come to the garden. There was also the keeper of his before altered into the garden for children. Will never forget how every night, before leaving the garden seduce us with the variety of sweets that we went out as soon as possible. Although ii slip his voice was pleasant, candy dish with gjathate made it myself. Even when I leave the garden, in our ears a long time voice sounded Pipit. It was a habit Recep uncle that every time I fishkellonte his beloved melody.


The time of examination. Now we can not get our beloved garden. My father stopped until they finish exams excellent success. Diligently prepare for exams. But how can 'forget geese floating and beautiful.
The father felt that I know. But how can 'forget geese floating and beautiful.
The father felt that something was tormented with, but in vain trying to know what it is. Not to answer to his questions, I knew that would not allow what it wants. At one point, the owner noticed that they were drawing on paper and geese floating near the basins. The praised my drawing, but as usual so soft warned me that I should also in other subjects.

Go to calm exam

Very quickly put something in itself. I just finished lunch, asked me. Mother sent me to his room. the introduction I gave salaam and he sat on her lap. I grabbed perqafe by Nier it is time of joy. He said "Noble, what you say, whether to go with the fastest in a short visit in the garden? Must rest a little, learning to have tired, so a little break will help you to go in tomorrow to test carefree and calm. Get ready, I'm waiting for you! "
I was happy and thanked the kiss on the site. The owner noticed this and said "thank-you better renderer, which reminded me this!"

Boast father

I wore shoes with fast and we entered a small little bag of dry bread. I said goodbye to her mother, who gave me some clean clothes. Soon came together with father and Blerim. Road and noticed that the windows watched as my friends. I pray to Allah that their fathers and to send them to the garden if you do this of my father. Even they, as I learned diligently. I was accompanied only by students of good and diligent. The prayer to Allah to accept their lytjet, so that all together to meet uncle Recep close to geese and colored fountains.
How wonderful is my father! Really proud of him. He is the symbol of man plagued, gentle and faithful.

Hospitality PARTY IS GOOD

When we saw Recep uncle, smiled and his eyebrows bleached shendriten of joy. Hastened by us for welcoming us, as do dear friends after a long absence. Very soon put an entire hand in his pocket to compensate this with candies, which he had saved for us, is already seven days. Anyone who would see us in those moments, will Recep uncle thought was my friend who twenty years before, even though I only I had ten years.
How beautiful was waiting for us! Called us to sit in his favorite seat, in which the weather that had his name engraved at his number 1956.


After that brief conversation with my father, uncle Recep came to me and said: "Why do not I see in here? I think you're preparing for exams, I know you're very diligent! "He smiled and he continued, joking:" Because you did seven days, give the pot a mark "zero"!!! "
I enjoyed because of his intervention ridiculous, I said: "My brother and I are always first. Grades will also tell you some day. All are Quint! It will pass with excellent success! "Having beaten my shoulder told me:" I've Easy to you! Your dad could ii boasts its wonderful children! "

WORDS ARE great treasures

Pausing a bit: With eye looked at, "Noble, the promise that after the exams will confess to a nice story, as reward your great efforts pee"
Hailed by joy and I said: "entertaining story? Do you know of interesting stories for us? Haggai, you are wonderful!!! From now on, thank you! I saw the Lord can tell me now, in order to not think about the time during exams? Please Recep uncle, â € | you listen carefully! "
The moved his head in affirmation. While I quickly gathered and the skills of the eight my friends, my friends in the game and "partner" in the sharing of candies, of course, after it received permission from his father.
Uncle Recep welcomed and began his story unforgettable.


A profound silence reigned. The police pointed toward the oak under whose shadow hung out, and said: "Dear children, check out this tree! For this wood to connect memories and lessons useful. Some of them are painful, and some others are fine. They have learned the lessons unforgettable in my life. "
His words surprised us. How does that teach a man to wood? Kept quiet to hear, and he said: "Incident important, from which I received teaching, has likely first ten years. This tree was a mother's careful to keep on the bottom of a kingdom big black cockroaches. Still can trace their probably notice!!! "
Really can seen entering the trunk.

Cockroaches are an example of ZELLSHMERISE

"At that time I worked from morning until evening, while cutting branches, and planted flowers and trees, as well as feeding the geese. One time, my attention drew a long rope and ii iz which consisted of cockroaches. I looked carefully for a long time, coveted by Allah SWT, which iudha diligently from early morning to seek food and gather it for difficult days.
He approached and stood over him, as ordered by playfully with the hum of my Pipit. For qudi, if the realized! How awesome is their world! Man carrying a particle that gave them build the house © his stay in the other half meter distance from the entrance, as if telling others the way, while the third kept a dead shrimp, while the fourth was going to help! "


"Throughout this can somewhat understand. But, what they did two ants standing without moving the entrance? I looked carefully! I realized that they were not allowed guardians that the entry of foreigners and who observe passengers and the unemployed. How beautiful thing that was it! As young, alive and strong! No roach can not check them out, if want to leave or flee. Their task was similar as in my own garden, so I decided to know better. I shall try to better know their proximity to problem solving serious, that even if I was obliged to act upon my arrival here in the garden as the head of the kindergarten! "


"With the help of a cane and wheat kokrren va separated by a small roach who was carrying towards the entrance. With roach fast he went back towards the grain tekokrres and continued to withdraw. I repeated this several times and each time the catch roach and heading toward kokrren warehouse reign of cockroaches.
I thought grain to hide it. With the skills and speed of lice kokrren and entered in the pocket. Kokrren asked roach of wheat, but in vain, until she saw that she has lost. Decided to enter by moving its arms to empty, but began a serious battle!!! "


"Cockroaches-doorman rushed towards the roach was miserable and if they fight and argues with a time. Suddenly, jumped roach tired body and cut off his head from the body, leaving you to face death, while life was in large part by.
The prayed to Allah to forgive me this ugly job and began to cry over the dead body of roach, which fell on lots of my items hot and painful.
Sentry roach thought was returned without the completed work, and therefore were charged and convicted were half-hearted and unemployment. The condemned to death, there is life for those who wish to be a burden to others, and are able to work.
Since then, the country has become a special place for me. So roach candies for our martyr, whose death was the lesson for those who sense. In my hand I have written sinful in seats near the place: "Rexhepi, 1956v."


1. Nature at its plant world and the animal and its beauty which has created Allah SWT is really a space for life and entertainment of children.
2. Memorable moments are shared with the game that neighborhood children in the large garden.
3. Large common garden where femijete meet neighborhood has its own keeper, who opens and closes his garden at the time set by his whistle.


4. Spoiled grapes

I am a grain grapes. Other grains are my brothers. Have come before me in the world. Our Kalaveshi consists of four grains. Were small, then urriten and became ripe.
I was really the lazdruar.All Allah had appointed to be the last grains, so I make this appointment when I decorated our rankings.
Spoiled child that life is overwhelmed with perjetuar.Kete that has happened here and feast you will confess you three stories.

The Peach Thieves

I was five years old. One day I went with my biqikleten, which also was not in good condition due to excessive use of saj.Nganjehere drag with them and sometimes I went to boarding Mbit while a country called "red door", not so away from our neighborhood. The seller was tlyenit, Kareem, carpentry Naimi of the fountain was there. Beja often congested drinking water in order to wetting my clothes, which like many. Before the fountain was a fruit store of Jakupi, who stood among the trees screaming: "The red and ripe, red and ripe", and in the meantime the regulated and palonte, peaches through sanduqe. I was pleased to call the Internationally with his voice better.
Stay near water pipes as usual, and my eyes looked beautiful peaches that were played game renditura.Ketu eshejtanit "hero and thief" when Jakupi issued a sanduk with peaches before dyqanit.A will succeed this game? Up then I have not ever tried hajnit.E role touched pocket, was approached with caution zbrazur.Iu sandukut by exploiting the case when the seller was busy with a mushteri.Me speeds and great workmanship extended my hand, so peaches The largest was found in the pocket tim.Me lightning speed, stopped before the house biqiklete sime.Para that the knock on the door, pulled the peach and kafshova with relish. But traces of burglary remained in buze.Kur mother opened the door, saw these traces, including a look at my pocket and hands mia.Kur asked me: "what is eating?" I realized that I discovered.
I was not lying mother taught him. She had learned to be honest, even though he had spoiled. The answer was surprising: "I have a peach, from which I ate."
He asked: "Where did you get?" He answered: "I have stolen from the store Jakupi."
Was afflicted, but not just threatened. Very Fast woke up, grabbed my hand and took me to the store. The half kilogram asked peaches, paid for and received a small bag with trees. Issued by a bag of ripe peach to red and back to sanduk, the Jakupi noticed this or not. It qudita why did this when we had paid him peach!!!
We returned home. Before you start to eat peaches, my mother just and devout began to beat me, so painful, as you soon forget when I ate peach pleasure first.
This for me was learning first and last for honesty. After that I did not need the reminder to be taught me honor.
If Jakupi is not the first to steal the peach, Allah, who has given us these delicious peaches, sees every thing that work.


At the end of the week, when I returned from school (Thursday, April 29, 1985) was a time for writing tasks shtepise.Kur I finished the task, he dreams relaksova and entered beautiful, as beautiful childhood: that tomorrow, Friday, will go with her mother in the park "green source" and how to travel by train through the square "Hasan Prishtina." enjoyed thinking about it.
My dreams were realized. Last tour was with joy and gladness, and came back happy and satisfied.
I came home tired because I played very close to the source. Touching through qanten bed requires that the duty to obey is in place. However, due to the great sorrow that engulfed a deep sleep. I had to sacrifice, in order to reposed. I slept until later. Mother tried several times to the beehives. I woke up after half past seven o'clock and I asked forgiveness from the mother. The morning prayers I paid that were spent sleeping with. I got the fastest qanten and a risk of buttered bread and hurried to school. Thanking Allah SWT I arrived in time, before the school bell (which was located in Saranda district). I had not felt defeat, because I loved school. It is taught and learned. My school pupils distinguished by brilliant and educated, like me, either thanking Allah SWT
We started school with "Bismil-lah!" Osman asked the teacher to draw notebooks, to see us homework. When I walked hand in crying, notebook had not!!! Maybe he left to sleep in my bed? A teacher will believe? Never in the last seven month names has not happened not to do homework!
The order came to me with the teacher asked: "Where are your duties?"
A large tear dripped through the site. I had learned to arsyetohem for a thing like this. But as I will argue that I am not guilty? I went to the place of punishment, the teacher does not punish us immediately. We have had luck. Someone knocked on the door. Came salvation!!! A woman carrying a notebook and asked: "Are you in class a small blond child who has forgotten notebook? Please forgive him! Here is a notebook so and give this little bag. "I smiled and thanked the mother for her care sight of the steps in the bag were 99 grains grapes € | Why not a hundred? My mother never forgets, but he wanted to give me a lesson not to forget me.
The articles Thanks once again! Your child is spoiled even got a lecture to honor and sincerity in the first story, and now your arrival gave me a lecture â € "not to let my completion of works and not to forget.


With were advised to ask Allah SWT to me save my mother, whose illness was increasingly heavy. However, this time there with my mother conveyed. Her health has deteriorated more. I was afraid it would be the issue and will pass to the world of calm and ease, without sickness and pain.
The disease had attacked four menjehereâ € | One doctor went, another came, and each of them require you to cure bought new and pay more attention and stop visits.
But, what is the worst, visitors had to be overcome with pare.qdo one of them that I propose to ask any physician who is difficult to reach him, or any drug that the brain can not accept, and how could not accept my mother's womb and absorb ate.Per because it was too weak, the great pains that the bear without complaining and saying no way except: "Praise be to Allah '' All mundesha to think, except death and separation from saj.Nuk can imagine myself crying when she to die! No, there will not vdeseâ € | will not cry! It will recover. None of our relatives died before old age is not that deep.
My mother was in the fourth decade of her life. About how many years it was about her various drugs and unused plants. I went to sleep in my room with big brother. As if the angel had any clever, without any prior agreement, before the dawn prayer. I was in bed, without interrupting my prayers for my mother: "O Lord, these four diseases removed from my mother! It is the light of my life! Let ndriqoje still our home. It is so in work and spiritual € | "
Allah answered the prayers of the MIAA starting € | but in the way that I had not thought of. When the muezzin said: "Ash â €" hadu an la ilaha il â € "illallah," mother repeat it. When the muezzin finished, ended the life of my mother!
My grandmother knocked on the door, saying: "Allah took his last will and recover, my dear child, your mother. There is the need for doctor visits and drugs! "
The madherova and thanked Allah SWT See Shkovata mother who was recovering and wish to. I could not hold tears. I was asked by the greeted by it. I looked at her face smooth and soft and I knew what my brothers do not kuptoninâ € | Smile its message even though it was dead. "Buzeqeshju biro life and be patient in her pain."
If the mother has died and gone Allah lives forever and life is believing right:
"Allah is with the steadfast really."
(Al-Baqarah: 53)
Then I realized that God had accepted the first part of my prayer. The boy will be spoiled light instead of its mother, who will show them the true path of his brothers. Her third lesson will remain in memory for a long time.
God of mercy, Oh my mother! The small blond Your lazdruari weeps for you. What a soft hand will hone my hair? And that sweet voice will remind third lecture when I forget or forget a part of it? The lazdruari OJ your articles to others was due to the attack, saying that is mostly lazdron for!
However small your toddler today became the largest of its pen became great. Most children are being written for the jam has experienced during the development and maturity. There remained credible and memorable. The smile did not leave his lips, despite envious eyes and the evils of which promote perqarje perqaresve.
God of mercy, OJ mother of small and big!


5. THAT deserves to be respected thinker

Although minor, called "little teacher". Also summoned his friends at school, we are convinced of his talent and wisdom. Name is Visar and has 12 years. Reached up to grade six. For several months will finish primary school. In the past five years was an excellent student. Allah SWT he had donated diligence, consistency and determination. The class was quiet and withdrawn, and always carefully and respond Wisdom when others were not able to give the right answer. It was therefore important and deserve respect.

MY SON IS talented man like you:

Indeed, it was a wonderful student, not only to the school, but also in other neighborhood schools. He just wanted to offer praise for their skills before others, but wanted to be simple and unobtrusive. Did not want them eating up the sky. But he said, "Do not be surprised me, because I am like you and I agree with which I. Like you had to use your mind properly, there will be amazed with me! "
These were words that show how much was eager and earnest.

Allah cared for

Visari was not a prophet sent by Allah SWT, that time had passed envoys to the weather, and after Muhammad not sent to the other, nor was he the signs and mu'xhize. To smooth things spoken through long nights of conversations, informal gathering of friends through the neighborhoods. People were impressed with him and was always at the center of discussions. He was an example for other students in learning and behavior, as if it were led by superb care of Allah SWT

From the evil of ZILIQARIT

Visar mother were denied exit from the house in order to keep the envious eyes of ruthlessness. No, neither of his brothers was not similar to the behavior for the wisdom and. His father qregjistronte even came back to school, the fear that something might happen. Parental care of qdokund pursued, where he went or where stood. Feared that someone would rob a disaster will befall any. Would you eat bad envious eyes!? His father wanted him njohtonte director of the school for his concern, but he did not do this. If something forbidding him from this.

TEACHER keeps order

There was good that his father did not like the thought, because in the next few days will tell Visar a great wisdom in school. From what happened lesson can be drawn and advice.
When new teacher entered the classroom, the students looked to announcing new to them. Viewing was stopped in the sober face of Visari, who smile and a pleasant word welcomed on behalf of everybody: "Welcome, sir! In moments you will share this year. You will lead the us and ways of knowledge ndriqoni us with might and great sacrifice. From now thank you for your great effort to come ".

WARNING FROM ill thoughts

Teacher sat in the pulpit, but for qudi, began his first lecture with an explanation of philosophy mixed. The more you explain, the more it became incomprehensible. For this student previously had not heard anything. Although repeat, based on their hits, it was that nothing had realized.
"Look kid, as if God existed, if you say the defendant would not be able to see it? Did not God say He will appear before our eyes? "Was nemiten children, their brains were small in dilemma!!! Q'te knew doing. Opposed to teacher, or not to speak anything? O Lord, have mercy? "

Mistrust is unbearable

The teacher took a pencil from his pocket and said: "Dear children, do you see this pencil?" They responded, "Yes!", He put in his pocket and continued: "Do you see the pen now?" Replied: "No!" â € "then said:" Pen does not exist, because you can not see! Also, even God does not exist â € "because they did not see! In a word: for every thing you do not see, say it does not exist. Do you understand that? "
Children hushed, as if someone had hit them in the head. I can not say a word, even though it can not accept that their teacher was saying.


Their views in that unpleasant situation headed towards Visari. He's always escape whenever faced with problems.
Everyone knows that God exists. It's something you feel their hearts, to which are safe. This was their teacher said, up to now no one had told them.
"Visar, do we learn to reject the teacher, even if it is wrong! Throughout the last five years have considered the infallible teacher. Stand up, now is your order. Need all your resolve and forgive us for our silence, the situation is tough! "

IS telling the truth bravery

Visari's thought, then replied glances directed at him. Rose and ask permission to say something: "Teachers loved, or allows me to explain to my friends that what you dry?"
This teacher was gezua and reiterated that: "There is no God, that we do not see and have explained to you the example of the pen!"'s Own words ended, thinking that has done something good. I seemed that the issue is very simple, it was there â € "seen.

Man can make mistakes

Visar pausing slightly, and then asked his teacher: "Do let teachers honored to talk about your opinion?"
The teacher replied, "Are you going to discuss with me? Son, things are very clear! Did any of you seen God? Or do you see the pen which hid a little first? I have the right. Thou hast seen a God? "
Visar replied: "Slow fewer teachers! One can deceive â € "every man can deceive!"
So demeaning teacher called out: "Are the charges that have wrong!"
Visar quietly replied: "And I am of those who are wrong. One mistake, but if the adult or teacher, this is not ashamed! "

Respect the opinions of others

"Dear Teachers, please understand what I have said unto you. Your example with the pen that hides is erroneous. Pen now in your pocket, so do not look. Also, there is Allah, even though we see Him not. This is wrong thinking. " Visari wrongly teacher began by saying: "Son, do you think that God exists and you have not seen? Or are you taking? Now sit down to continue learning!!! Sit! "Teacher thought that the issue was over.

The truth â € "First of all (triumph)

Visar the teacher asked you to continue the dialogue. Teaching does not make sense if students do not understand it. Said: "Do you believe teachers in every thing you see?"
The teacher shook his head and said: "Yes, it is logical and true! Visar said: "Can you tell us your mind? Of course you are convinced that you are smart and own mind? "
Silent teacher, while students laughed. Mind the teachers can not be seen. Visar continued: "Would you say that you do not mind, since we do not see?
The teacher was surprised. Not escaped his logic. We seen the faces of the students satisfaction.

KNOW GOD OF FEDERAL of His creatures

Visar continued: "Dear Teacher, can you tell us your soul, to realize that there?"
Teacher broke out sorrow and said: "It is not logical! ... Mind and soul can not be seen, but we see signs of them ... Are you giddy? "Teachers smile was sour. Visar replied: "Spirit .... mind ... air ..... have happened that we can not see, but see their signs by which they finish there .... God also! "
At that moment, the voices stopped and was heard the voice of the muezzin: "I bear witness that there is no god already Allah!" In these moments of tranquility teacher shook his head and said: "And I bear witness that there is no god Allah already Allah!!! "


1. Mendjeprehte smart student and should not be astonished at himself and to reduce the value of the companions themselves, but should say if Visari: "Do not stay surprised, I'm like you."
2. Student teacher must wait as it befits the teacher enters the classroom, as Visar do this.
3. I can not say that every thing you can not see does not exist. We see signs of magnetic power, but it did not look even though it exists â € "because we see signs of it.
4. Allah know the basis of His signs, and Wake His creation, especially when we see the stars and the cosmos, the whole it gives us to understand that He is the Exalted Creator.
5. A Muslim is obliged to turn to the wisdom, so beautiful and full of wisdom, he who hears or sees that Allah shane or religion and rejects them.
6. Teacher is not the unerring and can deceive, the student must improve it in the best way, especially when the teacher asks him to do what is contrary to Allah SWT
7. A Muslim must be patient and steady in the guidance of others, if you made this Visari, who interrupted conversation with the teacher, and then quietly told the truth, even though the mock teacher.
8. He understands that the truth should not show arrogance, but must return to the truth, as he did the teacher and repented to Allah SWT
9. Soul and mind do not see, even though we believe their existence, for reasons that we see their traces, they are creatures of Almighty Allah. Then how can I not believe in Allah, when we see His creation?
10. He who wishes to accept Islam, let's impose these words: "Eshhedu en la ilaha illallah wa anna Muhammadan Rasulullah eshhedu" and have strong faith and work according to the rules of Islam, if you believed the teacher when the truth was became clear.


6. Suddenly

Childhood IBRAHIMI

It was a smart kid and alive. However, there was no opportunity to be educated. His father died when he was three years. Rronte a miserable life, and it fed his mother, who also cared for. Work at home, and spin wool, which then would sell in the market, in order to have the opportunity to win some dirhams to buy food for themselves and Ibrahim. The poor mother was not aware of the importance of knowledge, it was not wise woman. The whole of her attention was focused on what the spin as much wool, you could win for clothes and food for him and her son, Ibrahim. Sometimes the neighbors watched as children go to school to learn to read and write. But there was no thought that I send her son to school to learn something from there. Ibrahim grew and had filled six years. The house needs to grow with the needs of Abraham. I had more veshmbadhje, clothes and food. For this mother said: "Ibrahim, what do you think, to be employed in order to win something?" Ibrahim objected to his mother, he was very loyal and obedient. told her: "How to tell mother!"
The next day, went to a dealer and asked the mother he was asking her son to hire him as assistant. Dealer agreed on the condition that Abraham be the zealous worker and honest. She replied: "My son is in the hands of my adult, educated with respect and love to work!" Trusted dealer, so Abraham gave clues to his shop big and asked him to come earlier every day in the morning to clean the shop and rank merchandise.

Abraham gladly accepted the job, and worked tirelessly. Unfortunately, the seller was very stingy, and for every week Abraham gave out an ounce. An ounce was not enough for food, beverages and laundry Abraham. For this reason he complained to his mother for grasping the merchant. Mother said that should have patience to learn the craft while the dealer will then increase to salary.

A year had passed, the dealer gave Abraham wages still the same â € "An ounce per week. Abraham had decided to issue and trade it require other work. Nobody would accept that tragtari were threatened by other merchants said: "Abraham is mine grub! Who accepts the job will terminate cooperation with, and would never speak to! "
The traders were frightened by this threat, therefore Abraham refused to hire her. So Abraham was left without work and sitting at home bored and full of grief.


Abraham had the habit of going to the mosque for prayer. Before mosque, prayer every day after lunch held lectures. Ibrahim after prayers, listen carefully and scholar lecture, so that every word of his perbinte regarding respect for parents, love for work and desire to win every man his bread. Allah has ordered His servants to work and earn for living, not to sit idle.

One day, while leaving the mosque, Ibrahim began to think about the lessons that we gave scholarly work related to the acquisition and, therefore asked himself: "I am standing as lazy as I can get unless something â €" with should work! I tried to find work, but traders refuse work whenever I was asking of them. "Then we turned to thoughts of scholar lectures and thought is not trying enough. He thought he should go to any other city, when his town all doors had closed. He talked with his mother and told her of his determination to go to any other city seeking work. However, his mother was afraid of him, it was still small. Ibrahim persuaded him that is able to work outside his city and that there is no need to be bored. His mother put you in any way to allow it to issue the city. How to secede from it? But when he remembered how traders are brought to Ibrahim unfairly and that they refused to hire him, we finally had to accept that her son go to another city to work.


Ibrahim appointed day of travel and the mother was asked to prepare the food for the road, for a few days. When the moment of departure came, and took food for the road, and asked forgiveness of his mother and asked her to ask the Allah SWT to. The city issued its own and went toward the unknown.

Traveled all day, here and there a little rest under the shade of trees, eat and pray the prayer and prayed to Allah to help us achieve the purpose of self. Back in the villages and seek work, but unfortunately, did not find anything, so forced to go further. It was three days. Ibrahim spent his entire meal and had lost hope that they will find work, so he was desperate. Often fell intend what the scholar had heard that the mosque should be established and continue to require work. When he fell asleep in the shade of an oak, that was exhausted after the long journey and lack of food, was a man with some sheep and he decided to rest under the shade of large oak him. The Abraham noticed sleeping, sat next to him and took something from food to eat. Abraham woke up scared of the sheep bleat. But the man gave salaam so gently to soothe. Qetesua Ibrahim, the man called to eat along with it. Abraham was hungry so I came good. Shepherd thereafter rose to milk and sheep's milk Abraham gave this warmly thanked for all this. The man asked Abraham was headed, and that all showed the sequence. The man smiled and said: "Do not be bored, if I would find him work to me, and I will pay good!" Ibrahim surprised and asked what do work is it, the man replied that they should keep sheep . Abraham was glad this work, especially for him that will work to the good and generous man. The agreed work with all my heart and went with that man in his village. It was decided to him, since the next day took a small herd that kept them in a meadow. I keep sheep through hills and valleys, the evening before returning home.

Abraham was conscious worker. Their works performed by Shepherd with honor and diligence, even though I should save the sheep from hungry wolves.
There he found luck and comfort. Rashid, for whom Abraham was working, was very right with, while it pagunte good work. With Abraham acted as if with his boys. Ibrahim Rashid regarded as the father, so he had forgotten his hometown. However often remembered the mother and she wanted to be with her, so that she also delighted with all these good you had.

Three years had passed that when Abraham was to Rashid. Rashid herd had grown. But Abraham wanted to see his mother, asked permission from Rashid to visit him. He replied: "No problem, go and visiting your mother. Stay there a month, and then return it to need you. In you I trust! "Abraham promised to return.


As part of the profit which had earned working three years to Rashid, Abraham took some sheep. The rest of the remaining sheep left to Rashid, as a trust that will be returned. It was greeted with and went home to his mother.

So Abraham came home with his sheep and something of the money in the pocket. Mother was gezua, because he started to ask ourselves that we do something that had happened that had not suffered or died somewhere? Never, since he had gone, had not received any news. For this reason, her joy was now papershkruar. The embraced and said: "Many of you did and for that I was worried and upset. Be not far from me. "

Ibrahim said: "Mother I worked to a good and generous man. It was very noble man, and with very good pay, and I left him once again so I brought it home from sheep and I promised to come back! "
Mother interrupted: "No matter who you talk to me about honor and noblesse for Rashid, who did not want to go there again will be able to withstand a separation with you!"

Abraham heard his mother and decided not to return to Rashid. He said that what do would work here, the mother said: "Work to love what do, go to the market and sold these sheep. Buy a donkey and exploit for transmission, work as a porter. "
Abraham did just as her mother said, and began to work as a porter.
A portion of the profits for themselves and mother spent the rest of his saving. From savings had bought a house and then got married.
His job was to transfer people or things their grain to the mill.

Ibrahim's family

Number of family members Ibrahim added, so that after ten years of marriage he had five children, and with his wife and his mother also lived. Expenses for food, clothing and education for children multiplied.

Ibrahim was determined that his children be wise not to live as he saw the school and ignorant. So should ensure their children every thing that was necessary for learning, as well as food and clothing.

One day while going with his donkey loaded with heavy thaes with wheat, forcing to walk more quickly, donkey collapsed, fell down and died quickly. Abraham was very bored, and start to think now what do will do when there's no donkey, and there is no money that can be saved to buy another. Came home, bored and disappointed with tears. I had to feed the family, can not win. Not out of the house, while his children were in fear that their father was already poor.

When not in this situation, his old mother came with these words: "Abraham, my son, why hang out like a woman? The've never seen so hopeless and unemployed, and not emerge from this situation. Jump to seek work! "

Abraham replied: "What to do when the donkey with which I worked and I won, with no dead. Where will I get another? "

"You have to do qmos to win, and your father's rrijsh and whining. Do not you remember as a kid when you go to another country to seek work? And now art thou man of strong and large family you can not work? You have hungry kids! "Here remembered Rashid Ibrahim and his sheep that had left him. Immediately got up, hoping that his opinion probably realized, I told the mother: "I'll go back to Rashid, now I remembered, my sheep are to him. If my back they will be able to buy a donkey! "Mother told him:" Now the dropped intend Rashid and your sheep? Every thing may have changed after all these years. How could you say that after all these years you have to fold it? Who knows, maybe even dead. Think of something else! "

After this, Abraham sat dejected, losing hope.


That night Abraham could not sleep. Lots of great concern and annoyance, thought that what would give their children to eat tomorrow. How roiled bedroom was presented before his sheep that had left to Rashid â € "if blegeronin on around him and shouted that hold them. I thought how happy would embrace once a lamb then another. However, for his bad luck it was only a dream. When was awake all night with worry, and if the echoed again in dream sleep sheep shouted.

In the morning we decided to go to the village of Rashid. Asked permission from his mother, was greeted by his wife and children and went to the street. Since the village was developed and was changed significantly, began to ask for Rashid. There were achieved after three days. When Rashid came to the house, behold, Rashid. Rashid sat on a hill and watched his sheep, which had filled the valley. Abraham drew near, gave salaam and said: "Sir, I am familiar with Abraham are you?"

Rashid replied to this: "Welcome! Very good to remember! "
Abraham continued: "Do you remember, sir, that you had to leave some sheep. Now to be! "

Rashid smiled and asked: "Why do not you just come back with, with goose promised to come back?"

Abraham replied, "I heard mom, she's allowed to go back. Asked to stay with him. I heard and I was left with. Now I come to you to return me my sheep, Allah grant you every good! "

Rashid said: "Look at this valley and see what you're saying!"
Ibrahim said: "your sheep!"
The Rashid said: "They are yours. Take it and go home! "
Abraham responded: "I only ask of my sheep. There were four or three sheep, you tell me: "Take that sheep have filled this entire valley!" Ibrahim said: "Q'eshte with you, my teacher? Do mocking? "

Rashid replied seriously: "I tell you the truth, I have not ever laugh at anyone, nor you now. These are your sheep. Have increased and are now adding the following are all you are seeing. I've saved and I care about you, that one day return and collect them. I thank Allah, we have arrived at the right moment! My son, now very old and am afraid that the church will die before they turn sheep. Take the sheep and return, God be gracious to you. Go, God bless you! "
Abraham was very happy and grateful to him.
"These sheep are worth thousands of shillings. Thanksgiving and praise to Allah, I become very rich! Children will be happy when they will see. There are still people in this world good and honest. If I thank God! "


1. Muslim child should be subjected to his mother, as a reward for the hard work she has given to her.
2. Muslim youth should join associations across sections and across the mosque in which taught knowledge and reading the Quran.
3. Must make good the poor and destitute, if you have had made with Abraham Shepherd, when he found under oak.
4. Muslim must not misuse the trust that has been awarded, but must have confidence in themselves, as if you were Abraham in his work as a shepherd.
5. A Muslim must earn his bread in order halal, but if even if you could have given greater. A Muslim must not be satisfied with the profit prohibited.
6. The young Muslim dares to travel the mother to leave only if it does not allow this.
7. A Muslim never loses hope. It should support each time Allah the Exalted and may not be lazy.
8. A Muslim must not eat the wealth of others in illegal way, but to act as it did Rashid.
9. When a Muslim acquires more assets, it must not deceive, but should thank Allah, if you had done when Rashid Ibrahim gave a large flock of sheep.


7. What are you, carrot, egg or coffee grain??

The girl's father complained in her life serious, and he did not know how to cope with all the problems and difficulties of life, as can not find the strength to fight, soon to solve a problem, it appears immediately before other more severe than the first.

Her father who was a cook by profession, took and took in the kitchen, took three pots, filled with water and placed in the fire. A little water in the pot began to boil them. We first basin set a karotw, in a second basin while the third egg a few grains of coffee, then left to fight for a long time.
The girl had no patience, because he knew that q'donte not to tell her father with this test.
Qkyqi father cooker, carotene removed from the water and placed on the table, did the same thing with egg and coffee beans. The girl looked and asked: "What if you see"?
- "I see a Diamonds, an egg and a few grains of coffee," she replied.
She asked out to touch carotene than carrots and saw it was very tame and fragile, then asked her to poach egg, she saw that the egg was strong and boiled. He asked the wind takes them coffee when he felt the pleasant scent of her she smiled.
- But What 's meaning of all this? " asked the quditur.
"Know, my daughter, that carrot, egg and coffee is the last I have the same proqes, fighting the same enemy -" boiling water "but each of them faced in different ways.
Carrots was strong, but imposed a heavy fast and was lost is softened by hot water.
Egg retained its husk strong, but also it for a long time is boiled in boiling water and passed from the liquid state at that strong.
While the issue of coffee is quite different. Its grains remained the same, on the contrary, it was succeeded to change the water. If you?
What are you? carrot, which apparently is strong, but when perbellet small obstacles and difficulties immediately weakens and loses strength.
Or resembles egg with a soft heart that when faced with problems become strong. Your husk (outer part) does not change, but change your interior, so that your heart remains strong and bitter.
Or, maybe you are like grains of coffee, which changed the boiling water (unless it was the source of the pain) and that did give delicious flavor and beautiful. If you are like grains of coffee, your district will do with the beautiful, hardworking. You will yourself to relieve difficulties, so that it will be easily instead of difficulty, problem, oppression or grief.
Think, my daughter, in what manner will be faced with all the problems and difficulties of this world.
What will be, carrot, egg or coffee grain?


8. CAVE IN THE THREE captives

Welcomes the sun slowly from the ground and disappeared in the infinite horizon. The caravan went his way in the desert and dry deaf. Heard nothing but patkonjve shocks to horses and their hingellimes. We were north of the desert and the mountain of high trishtueshmeâ € |
Darkness to come and put fear in the hearts and jorehatine three passengers, the mountains and the desert seemed even more sad. Soon arose a strong fortune as a mad sea with big waves sand, which filled them with gravel and eyes nearly the blind.


Vetonte, thundered thunder, the sky had opened all its doors and big rain. Were in deadlock. They did not know where to go. Where the shelter?
One of them said: "it seems that there is a cave, you can go and spend the night there, and then continue the road!"
Immediately agreed to three "wonderful idea, my friends!"
Entered the cave. Degjkhej voice from outside wind and the rain fall. The cold was beginning to overtake their body, and it seemed that it would ngrininâ € |!


One of them said: "What night!" Had not yet carried out his sentence, when he heard a voice sad and a big stone suddenly appeared and hid in the cave entrance. The Merz and panic gripped. I tried with all the strength you had to push the stone, but without success. Despaired that it would ever come out of the cave, was surrendered to the reckless boredom.
Then thoughts of ambushing and agreed that nothing can escape, except Allah SWT Whom to call placed to help with their good deeds and turn to Him sincerely and humble. Maybe Allah will remove from them this disaster.
There are even a few minutes spent so touching them of their prayers thishin most beautiful and sincere that by their good deeds approaching Allah.

I try to satisfy

One of them said: "OZot of all boteraveâ € | You know and askudh from You do not know! I've had parents with age who have fed and educated have fairly. Their joy was and trying to satisfy with each of my gje.marredhenjet tai shin as you want the. You Mosdegjueshmerine parents to consider as one of the big sins € | You know that nothing is more important to me than them, nor children, nor wealth.
Every evening milk was Peine love story, with pleasure, before I give my children, wife and myself € | my joy did not end when I saw how milk drink milk which I wrote with my hands. So when I saw a slight smile and pleasure in their faces, then the njdieja how fundosesha to happiness, the church seopse did what was ordered by Allah SWT "


"One day, I went away from home to be some branch pipes. Neither the church learned how quickly the time had passed. At sunset, I hastened to my parents, I sent them milk, but I found sleeping. O Lord, You know how upset I was when I was late! I did not want to wake me, nor tabpine their milk money nor wife nor children nor servants. And I held a bowl filled with milk and parents waiting to wake up the light dawned. About my feet stay hungry my children, who were crying, and I say to myself: First my parents, then you and I will be the last who will drink € | "


"I heard father as glorifying Allah and thank him who had raised after death (sleep). The mother and I gave him milk, which he thanked Allah coveted. Continued to pray to Allah to reward the llhu for this. I felt a joy indescribable.
O Lord, I have done all this for your sake, so please to have us take away the stone! "
Stone immediately moved slightly, but not enough that someone from three travelers to dilteâ € |, you should also pray to any other Allah to save this disaster.

Has fulfilled it

It rose another and said: "You know, the others do not know, I've known a girl, which I loved more than all men. Allah the Exalted had given her an indescribable beauty. It was right and pious, not do harm to anyone. Inside like to make something bad, something which I would not have had to happen to my mother or sister.
Satan lighted a fire of lust and evil thoughts encourage us to it. But she did not accept this and refuses € |
It was clean, honest and pious, had kept his promise given to me, that will not do what is forbidden. "

HUNGER is a murderer

"A difficult year, in which the sky was giving way to rain, the earth did not have cash crops, famine had found this girl and had nearly collapsed. Rushed to me and asked for help against the difficulties of life to not find death. There was even a piece of bread to mitigate hunger. Her father had not left any dinar nor a dirham. I was rich and fell back with bad thoughts. I thought her situation would force you to bow and give way to what I wanted € | "
I told her: "I'll give you what do to have, but it should perform and what do you want out!
Refused and returned came from.
Hunger had nearly drowned, was unable to seek help from anyone, nor was he able to seek out others. "

Stay away from bad thoughts of Satan

We finally came to me and reluctantly accepted it and what do I search it. In her eyes I saw tears and deep sorrow. Took my hand and said: "Please! Do not let the bad thoughts to help overthrow Satan. Do exploits in this way, but only in a fair manner. Marry me by the laws of Allah, and to connect the crown before God and before men.
I began to shiver with fear and tears came out of fear, anger fearing Allah and His punishment. I gave him the money they demanded. I got 120 dinars, happy and comforted you have not done something wrong and that had saved his honor. "

Wants nothing POS satin satisfaction

The man continued his story: "Praise be to Allah who has guided me to the right path! No pressure went through Satan, but refused, for your sake this whole, O Lord!
O Lord, You were kind of freaked out and I let him go with money (even though I loved without measure). O Lord, I was out of fear the day when she will stand before you to give account. Then would not save the whole of my wealth. That day will not accept anyone, perveqse qte that comes with pure conviction € |
O Lord, I know that I do this for the sake of Thy nobility. Help and facilitates this situation! "
Stone also moved some, but not so the beat someone sat out there.
Came to the third turn - ask the Allah for salvation.

Give workshops HIS revenge!

It was also the third set, after the prayer that his companion and said:
"O Lord, you know and others do not know, I had the great fortune and my worker. them behave fairly and with honor and rewards with what you had given me, so pay them to wither before work djersetâ € |
One day I asked one of my employees, but I found none. He had gone had not received his wages. Since then there's been a long time I dispose of his wages in new jobs, so this huge investment profit fell. One day, he came to my employee, after having fallen into financial difficulties. He said "weather once you've worked on and I had not received my wages! Now what I need? Can it pay me? "

Saved us from this situation

"He answered:" In this valley, what you see is all yours, as the result of your wages! "
He looked out of the valley and saw camels, cows, sheep, so much so that he could not be dreamed. The language was surprised and get involved, but soon woke beautiful who had captured and said: "I make jokes, sir!"
The answer was: "No Pasha Lord, I've invested your wages and it became it had € | Take all those who donated to Allah, and lucky to be calm!"
Man took his flock of great valleys, not believing his eyes.
"O Allah, I have done all this for you and for noblesse tents. Save us from this disaster in which we have fallen! "

Allah never loses BEST OF BELIEVERS

The stone moved a bit, but this time it was enough that the three passengers can emerge from the cave.
Shendrise them smile began their faces and lips began to tremble to the joys € |
It managed to go from there and continue on their way, being satisfied with the noblesse of God, believing that He never forgets to reward benefactors.
O Lord, bless our jobs and be sincere only for Thee, Thou Who answers prayers!
Magnification belongs only to you, O Lord of the Worlds!


9. CASHIER World

So have called, "The ark of the world".
We confess stories and photos about life and events in world history. All children eagerly awaiting its arrival in their neighborhood.
Had I been able to see. They say that this film is moving. His screen that we can see beautiful views and teachings with qmueshme. With a heart as was embedded with the unusual qudia that time.
But, unfortunately, in the city there is nothing like it. It was a special something. For this reason its owner, Bajram uncle, had set the day when every living creature can see it.
Six days had passed, the day had come seven, the owner of Cash that was not strange turn.


Finally came the moment of mitigation. As we had enjoyed his return, after waiting that long. The sound of the trumpet heard my aunt and Bajram brofem towards the voice immediately.
Well, how big that is "Ark of the World" â € "like a mountain of. And it keeps a great man, the mouth of which is a copper yellow trumpets, whose pick and which he announces his arrival. Children applaud and shout for joy, while scrambling to walk on land, hailed by the holder and that it holds.
The way they show their hospitality, showed their joy papershkruar that saw it. This is repeated in every township where he went. This is papershkruar moment of joy and celebration.

Everything HAS ITS prize

Square roiled joy "Minatori". The news spreading across all routes, went through every house and every ear. All children, my peers were gathered at the scene after frantic running who will soon arrive at his house. Every man raising his hands, wanted to take one of four single seats that had Bajram uncle.
If I thank God that my uncle Bajram with compassion and understood by all, I had the desire to be the most famous tricks "Cash and the world". Tubonte the money began by saying: "Children, pay before the show!" And we ngutnim you as soon as possible to leave his crate, to tell us their spells.

Vocational expert on OWN

By announcing the start of the show with trumpets, Bajram uncle said: "Behold! You that Allah has given you health and senses, to hear and to see what is useful, look through the small windows in the chest. Your God kept watching it and given it possible for all to understand the scope of what you'll get!
Children, before you are three classes, each in ten files. Do not miss any, they will not understand the message. Life is useless without custom. Lessons are in the form of stories. Look at them and obey them carefully, without turning attention to anything else. "

Do not believe everything you INDICATED IN

In an unusual way of discourse, Bajram uncle took us to the first story to illustrate:
See story first child! He has his own message! It is a story about a hunter giddy. It was launched to hunt with his net swallow thick and beautiful. Going from one area to another, from one mountain to another, while observing a wooden one, following a crane that was stopped at a streams.
The hunter was not easy to pass from one country to another. We finally got tired when he sat in a small mountain waiting for his prey had.
Got tired of waiting long, we relied on an oak tree by placing in the network in which food was attractive to birds.
Suddenly the rock netting that had caught a bird. Hunter rejoiced and ran out of the net, thinking about how I expect a delicious dinner. Almost flew out of joy! How big was beautiful and the bird! Carefully released him out of the net and took the hand, impressed with his appearance.
Then came dallendyshes hunter with a victorious smile: "Well that comes my beautiful swallows! How I long to wait! "
Bird fear began to cry and said, "Mr. Hunter assign. Do not have any good by and I will not deprive you of urine you. Please, assign! "
So exciting hunter replied: "I have called my friends to me in a great dinner! How can this without thinking of your flesh cute!? "
The bird was still little and said, "Get off, Hunter, I'll show you where it is the biggest treasure on earth!!!"
When he heard about the treasure hunter, took his own avarice and issued dizzy bird.
Bird smiled, whistled as beautiful could, dancing for joy, saying: "Do entrusted me, my giddy that I actually know where the treasure? However, do not worry. I will notify all birds to leave this small mountain, and my advice to you is: "Do not believe in any one thing to say! This is one treasure! "
And the bird flew hunter leaving cheated.

Remove yourself from the disappointment of

The second story, my children, is the story of the loss of a military leader. Look carefully, it will give you an unforgettable lesson and useful.
War broke out between two neighboring kingdoms.
The leader of an army was called in the army leader tourney second. After heavy fighting, beat him and took captive and bound with handcuffs and chain, and then sent to jail.
Kryeushtarakut army that had lost Jousts were distributed through the wilderness of the soldiers fled, fearing that the enemy would occupy, will roberonte and imprisoned.
Something unexpected happened! Possible Kryeushtaraku managed to escape from prison and came to a fountain in the middle of the desert, sat down to rest.
Began to think about their shameful defeat and any way that would drive from the grave situation.
At that moment his attention attracted a small bubrrec that passed near him carrying a large shrimp, ten times larger than the weight of the body .... But bubrreci was determined in his work.
Suddenly roach together with shrimp fell in a hole. She tried to come together with his trophy. The grasshopper tried to release some time from his grip, but the catch roach and constantly exert out of the hole, while in the end this thing went well in hand. And also proud that together with his trophy, roach and continued its journey.
This ardent desire of the patient and the roach left deep impressions to possible military leader. As he roach, without losing hope successfully did his duty.
Crying for his mistake, was remorseful that was not working with the diligent and the heart. Began to think about how to call his opponent in the tourney.
The entire power and determination brought him and returned him to the opponent and again asked the tourney. After a war of unprecedented and difficult, his opponent fell dead on the ground!
So our military leader won and became proud of his kingdom. And so, a roach with uninterrupted zeal led him to the military draw lessons useful.

Use your mind

Last, dear children, is the story of the blind and lantern.
1. The first picture, you will see a blind shows that on the one hand and holds the lantern terracotta pot to another. It emerges at night from his home and goes to the great square of the well, where people gather to fill their vessels with water.
2. The blindness, slowly carrying a lantern arrived the well and when the order came, his terracotta pot filled with water and left for home.
3. During the way to the house and met a man who was amazed that what do i need to blind lamp that makes light!?
4. Thinking out loud: "What should the blind lamp, what is he of this?"
5. I heard of blindness. When he approached the man and asked loudly: "What should the lamp?"
6. The blindness smiled and said: "If only a few to think I will not be wondering about this! Do not you see that it is night and darkness is all around us? "
7. The man moves his head and said: "As is, but what do you benefit from the lamp when you're blind?"
8. The blind man said, "Hey, look man, keep up the lantern want you to see me! Had not kept, one of the bystanders could be faced me, by reason of darkness. "
9. When I hold the lighted lantern, the ndriqoj every thing around him, in order not to collide with someone and so I will keep my basin not break. Is not it so, brother?
10. The man lowered his head out of this unpleasant situation: "The old man thanks to your advice and wisdom! Do not judge! I am ignorant and blind even though I see, not you. You are smart though not see! Receive forgiveness theme! Had thoughtful and fair, I would not have filed such a question! "
How good it would be if Adam utilization of all the blessings that he has given Allah, in order not to feel ashamed and repent, and do not become ignorant.


Uncle Bajram sounded and the announced end of the show and said: "Dear children, for a small amount of money you shall see useful stories of the ark of the world. The first story is about the consequences of madness, the second for the fruits of patience and stability, the third for the benefit of the use of mind.
Keep in mind that, dear children, and pray to Allah that you learn that you advise others in the right way, to pray to Him that all are obedient and follow what is right. "

Learning Story

1. Do not believe us every thing to say!
2. Be patient and diligent, until we win!
3. Always use your mind!



Did you hear dear child poet Al-Hansa? Tumazer called, is the daughter of Amrit, the son of El â € "Sheridit. It was the distinguished women of her tribe, Bani Sulejm.Eshte born before the advent of Islam, in pre-Islamic time. Was a worthy representative of his tribe to the behavior and habits â € "good and bad. Did not know about Islam nor had heard of. With mostly care about poetry and knew stories about Arabs and their ancestors. Poet knew to play with and take part in his tribe through various battles against enemies, encouraging and the encouragement of her clan fighters.
When her brother Sakhr fell on the battlefield, and she wept for a long time mourned for! He was wearing black clothes of wool wild. Tubonte women often know them and to read her elegies, in which his brother wept, so all together began to cry, to actually cut their clothes and hair root.
Sometimes bredhte mountains, and through the mountain of mourning brother and reciting poems for his qualities and fame, and he mentioned his youth and power and described his heroics and sacrifices. Have done a picture to be a hero in bold, which can each fighters and from which trembled hills. Was able to kill two beasts and make the impossible.
So the poet Al-Hansa felt at the time of Jâhiliyyah. It was this way of behavior at that time, which time had made it to the big impact it. Know for vengeance and war. I knew the stories of the idol worship and the cult of personality, but also cultivate good habits of the time, if that was the hospitality of helping the needy, honesty, loyalty and honor.


Islam began to spread among the people of the Arab tribes in order bashkangjitshin mass. Nderronte their habits and behaviors Jâhiliyyah time. Now had gripped pride and nobility. With Islam being lifted their spirits and their hearts were softened, so that people who enter Islam, to respect its provisions and elevated roads which chanted in brotherhood and good work for the benefit and for the benefit of Islam of all Muslims.
Muslim individual with no thought for himself only, but also for the benefit of all Muslims.
So even changed when Al-Hansa accepted Islam. Began working for the benefit of all Muslims and changed her views on life and the world that surrounded him. Thought not done with that life and death is the end for this man. Now she knows that Allah knows give rise to people after death, when it come Judgment Day will calculate them their deeds, those who have done good deeds will go to Garden, which is the heavens and the earth, and that there would be forever. And if you have done bad deeds will enter Hell and will stay there forever.
Therefore, Al-Hansa not mourn the dead as that of brother wept, that Islam has forbidden mourning for the dead, the shqyerit of clothes and gerthitjen fetyres as a sign of grief.
Islam commands to be patient and to pray for the dead with the desire to be better in that world. Allah had opened the heart of Al-Hanses for Islam, it was done so sincere believer and believe in Allah as the Creator, Islam as a religion and Muhammad SAW as the Messenger of Allah SWT and holder of his message to all people. He instructs people on the right path, the path of goodness, and warn you not to go in the path of evil. This is the message of Islam â € "we are obedient to Allah SWT and His Messenger.


Since Al-Hansa was extremely intelligent and had understood Islam and its provisions in the right way, it was available to his new religion with that of the whole will have. In this she felt happiness that filled his heart and spiritual pleasure and comfort. Now do not shake by any disaster or problems that now believed that every thing that happens in the world is the setting of Allah SWT and is His will and desire. No man is not nothing either good or bad, this has given perveqse Allah SWT
She read and understand the Quran
"Say: We have not hit nothing, except what is given to us by Allah, and He is ours ndihmear. Therefore only Allah let the believers rely. "
(At-Tawbah, 51)
The meaning of the words of the Qur'an penetrated to the depths of her soul. Her intelligence and very good knowledge of the language that enabled him to understand that these words were not words already Allah, the Creator of this word cosmos, the people no matter how trying, will not be able to create something similar.
I hear the words of the Messenger and revealed to them the truth and crystal clear call to serve God and Him only. Piety had gripped much of her heart which completely surrendered to the will of Allah SWT
In a hadith in which the Prophet A.Ş. Ibn Abbas had said at the time was still a child (still not felt had reached ten years): "I O boy to learn a few words:" Beware Allah, He will protect you, keep away from Allah Allah, He will provide assistance when you need and when to seek help, seek it from Allah SWT, and if wants something, ask for it by Allah! Know that if everybody would like you to do something bad, will not be able to do this if God has given him to do, and if everybody would like you to do any good, will not could do this, if God has given him to do! "
For this al-Hansa was curled up with her life, because every thing that happened, saw the appointment by Allah SWT There merzitej with the death. What I remembered that he had done when her brother died, Sahri, when he tore his clothes in grief and had lived for years. I had promised Allah, after he had open heart to Islam, he would send his four sons to fight in the war in the streets of Allah and to defend Islam and Muslim homes, to spread the Islamic faith, in order to dissipate polytheism and ignorance. They will either win against enemies, or will die in the path of Allah SWT I supported her children to enter the Muslim army, under the leadership of Sa'd ibn Abi-Vekasit, who went to Iraq with his army to fight against the Persians, who then were worshipers of fire, and Removed trust their futile.
Al-Hansase feij and rushed to join the Muslim army endless. She conveyed by advised to be patient in war and reminding them the reward of Allah SWT for the patient, while he cited:
"O ye who believe patience, be steadfast against the enemy, and stay prepared, you save a penalty to fear Allah."
(Surah Al 'Imran, 200)
Reminds them of Allah's reward for patient to another world, that Allah SWT promised that they would return it multiples more:
"Absolutely not think they are dead who are slain in Allah's way. Instead, they are alive with their Lord. "
(Surah Al 'Imran, 169)
He read a hadith of the Prophet A.Ş.:
"We Martyr Day of Judgment comes with his wound from which the musk smell blood" and added: "The martyr is forgiven all sins committed € |!"
So it's the desire to inspire them to take part in the war to give their lives in the path of Allah SWT, and warned about the shame of desertion. For this he recalled the words of Allah SWT:
"O you who believe! When encountering crowd of those who disbelieve, never turn their backs. Who do turn them back on at that moment he was already back to fight or to join another group, he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell. The end of it is bad! "
(Al-Anfal, 15,16)
So he taught al-Hansa children his true religion and strong, so that the wanted entry into the war as eager man who wants to enter the water hot summer days. As had been smaller, it was given milk of love and gentleness, and now fed with pure Islamic belief. If milk is food for the body, pure Islamic beliefs are food for the soul and mind. Her children were obedient to their childhood as well as in their youth. Never had not sad. The military endowed their clothes and leave for the war.


Military leader Saad Ibn Abi Vekkasi arrived together with his army in al-Kadisije, a small country in Iraq. The listed its military strategy and prepared it for the big game with a Persian army.
Developed a great war between the Muslims and Persian soldiers. Dite.qdo battle lasted several days at this place and also increase the number of killed and wounded on both sides. Persians use a large number of elephants which easily penetrate through the Muslim army, breaking with their feet large and heavy Muslim fighters. We kept their backs Persian soldiers who threw Muslims with arrows and spears. For Muslims it was a heavy battle, but fled, he stood very well and kundervyen Persians and their elephants with their bodies and spirit strong. Began to make plans to counter their enemy as well and to eliminate their elephants, whose arrows and swords can not do anything. Whenever someone approached the slopes, elephants with their long feqkat immediately and topple or belittle. In this way, there was a large number of warriors who tried to penetrate towards the elephants, but without success.
The next day, the Muslims thought of a plan. The camels endowed with special clothes and covered their heads with shields, seemed so sad with their appearance, and threats to their tread. Elephants were not intimidated and attacked me. Now knights could be approaching elephants and their long spears throwing the eye. Elephants were frightened and began to flee in the opposite direction, and so on began to violate his army which went after them. He died a considerable number of Persian soldiers, the elephants continued to run up to the Euphrates River, which was flooded along with soldiers who carried it on their backs.
Muslims had foreseen the catastrophe of their adversaries, to used this and attacked from all sides. Decisive war began which lasted a day and a night. Heard blows of swords, horses whinny and tegbiret of brave Muslim fighters.
The next day, Persians began to flee with wind speeds and leave in all directions, seeking escape, after they saw that their military commanders were killed. Here were killed and thousands of Persian soldiers fighting ceased. Muslims were happy that Allah has made possible the victory. Began to seek their dead and bury them, tie them wounded while their wounds. When I collected the dead from the battlefield, and took heard that among them were four boys of Al-Hansas. Feared that this cate it. Military leaders had hit it too and thought it would be as a shocking news and dhimbeshem for EL-Hansan. There were fears that rain would probably depressed by sorrow of papaershkrueshem if that had happened to him when he lost brother. Therefore, ngurunte to communicate this to the sad news.
Then he sent a group of Muslims who tell him what to have and to express their condolences. As noticed, rushed towards them, that every day out that will not be something we should know about the Muslim army. I stopped them and asked, they responded: "your sons, Mrs. € |".
Here is interrupted them by saying: "I was asked for my boys, but to tell the outcome of the war!" They said: "We won, and We have caused serious losses."
He replied: "Praise be to Allah, it is a gift from Allah SWT!" Went on to ask: "My sons have a fight with honor or were cowards?"
He responded: "Your guys have been out to our brave soldiers. Undaunted fought the enemy. Takbeer of them were more vocal, so the trimeronin and others for war. We take pride in them and their mother who was born and educated in love to God and sacrifice in the path of Allah. They were honored with what they have given their lives in the fight for Allah SWT! "
In this case, al-Hansa said its most famous words: "Praise be to Allah SWT who have honored their war and warriors that were made! I hope Allah be with us to gather extensive gardens, and along with them the shijojme closeness and His mercy! "
There's no tears dripped, nor clothed in black, do not pull hair, face or not grithi. I said his words and was pleased with the appointment of Allah, proud with what her boys had made the road to Allah SWT
It was al-Hansa, living example for every Muslim mother and wonderful example for our ummah. I had educated his children with breeding right and true Islam, then gave them the Islamic ummah, to fight for and defend it, so Allah had chosen to yen near Him, to be those who will enjoy the grace of Allah SWT and will be of the inhabitants of Paradise:
"Absolutely not think the dead are those who are slain in the way of Allah. Instead, they are alive with their Lord. "
(Surah Al 'Imran, 169)
This is a promise of fair and true to Allah giving fighters in Allah's way llhahut SWT Were it not for such warriors fighting for Muslim homes, there would have been a power and fame What had they would lose their land and would take the enemy.
Allah have mercy on Al-Hansane and courageous children thanks! They were the best examples of sacrifice and their mother was the best educator of these warriors. Therefore it is beneficial to Muslims call "Mother of Martyrs."

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