Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ndihmojeni sirien Asgje per ju vetem me nje klik mbi reklama dike e furnizoni me nje kafshat buk . Help Help syria

Shteti i siries po vuan me vite te tera , eshte lodhur nga lufta civile , BAshari dhe ushtria e tij qdo njeri qe e takojn ne rrug e  maltretojn dhe e vrasin . Ky eshte nje turp i madh te vriten civil te pa fajshem  si gra femij pleq , PRandaj ta ndihmojm sirien ky blog eshte hapur per te gjith ata qe dojn ta ndihmojn sirien ti furnizojm me mjete financiare , dhe me rroba , ushqim etj , Nje klikim i juaj mbi reklama ndoshta nje kafshat buk per sirien , Ju lutem ndihmojeni sirien , edhe ti me nje klikim mbi reklam , ndoshta per tye asgje tjeter veq se 5 min koh per dike , 24 ore i ngopur . 

Siries state is suffering for years, was plagued by civil war, Bashar and his army of belonging to every man in the street maltreat and kill. This is a great shame to kill innocent civilian women as old their children, so to help sirien this blog is open to all those that they want to help the sirien furnish them financially, and with clothes, food, etc. A click of maybe your ads on bread for a pet sirien, Please Help sirien, and you click on an advertisement with, perhaps nothing tye already that time for someone 5 minutes, 24 hours saturated.

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