Thursday, June 6, 2013

Life and its rules?

A man was standing by the regulated hairdresser hair and suddenly entered the store a little chappie by coating appeared to be poor.
This life has its own rules so you should be trying to teach and to play in the best way possible!?
Flokwtari just saw customer came close and whispered in his ear: This is stupid child I have ever known. There is time to come to my shop and I, before the time of any offer of one euro in one hand and a quarter on the other hand, the wonder of this and takes every quarter instead take one euro.

Will now convince himself! I said flokwtari klientitë his pocket and pulled out a quarter and a Euro offer his baby and he unthinkingly reached out and took a fourth place euros and no sound came from the store. The owner starts to laugh while the client was amazed!
Upon the completion of the arrangement of hair, klieniti immediately went in search of voglushit to see precisely what was in question. The ice cream shop to meet where I did the same thing, he came and was asking for his strange action. The boy responded: If I choose to get 1 euro instead of the quarter then it means that the game is over and that I would lose the right to return to the store to ask for money.
Ne mësojmë shumë nga të mëdhenjtë por jo rrallë herë mësojmë më shumë nga të vegjlitë. Kjo jetë i ka rregullat e saja andaj ti duhet të i mësosh dhe të mundohesh që të luash në mënyrën më të mirë të mundëshme !?

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