Sunday, June 9, 2013

Joke (anecdote, VICA) If you enjoy laughing FREE

Joke (anecdote, VICA) If you enjoy laughing FREE

         Scott says baker: a loaf please, if it is possible to wrap the newspaper today.


         A skeleton walking around town, suddenly saw a car that transports the dead. Hand raised! Taxi! or is likely to lead to qu.


          A man will buy a bag in the brain and its head, because the feature is not good habits. We hospital say for now the two parties have only the brain - the brain and the brain of a chess player a politician. The first cost $ 5000 whereas the second $ 60,000 - Does the politician truni qenka me good chess player that he asked. - Yes that is absolutely unused.


           HYSA Hasa and went to New York as brave and took a house in the 100 floor hotel. - Then when something blejten the city, return to the hotel with no lift and what not punojke. Departing stairs, when the 30-floor climb Hasa says Hysa have to market something. Hysa says that the shows we leave the 80th floor. - When we climb eighty floor hases says HYSA is now discussed with qa preferred the market? - Hasa is says: well, you know I've forgotten clues! - Departing with turned down when we go back Hasa floor 40 is Hysa says: stop to tell you something, but HYSA of nervous bre hajt turn the show down. - When mberin below HYSA says talk is now. - I ran back here, I do joke that I have forgotten clues.


            The little boy is out of the house to buy bread. When it comes out you see that it biqikleten and I have stolen the launch here is crying. - They were immediately going through a group of people is an old forward for the Varos. - Hoxha you see your son's kajte is says: Do not worry son be, that is the old dog has after time. - The boy is says: I know that the old church was but the hype once naj


            A drunk is stopped a passerby on the street and says yes I mallunga than the head? 5 replies passer. - Ah! Well, three bandera (pillars) and will reach home.


            Vogelushja traveler you are begged to help out on the other side of the road. - Probably lives across the street? Ask passer - No, but there have "Kavasakin"


             Vogelushja municipalities with my mom went to the bathroom to clean and are looking to surprise the womb, - Mother daughter is here shpjeon less than your dad gave it to me baby. - The girl came out of the bathroom and screams daddy is a lo ki mummy dhone to any baby - Well I gave. - You should know the mother of the girl has responded hanger.


              Grandma how old you? asks granddaughter. - The grandmother spirit where you knew me, so much has been collected as long as you do not count with. - And why not kqyl Black from. We shklun Black from my playlist deli TLI katel years!


               A fisherman fishing on the shore of the river vren a big chicken, and steals, he expects his head, and his pluck feathers in the bag at the inserts. - Soon a villager comes and asks whether my chicken pate? - No, I saw. - Qudi, and to whom are these feathers here asks the farmer. - We really spent a chicken and asked save labors until the washed clothes.


                Meets Bullatuviqi (President of Montenegro) with his generals to examine the way how to attack China. Bulatovic asks, "tregomni where is China?" - A general map takes the mean, from here and shows the limits of China and says it is great. - If the resident is better? Ask Bulatovic. - Njemiliard (1,000,000,000) General says. - Bulatovic little thought and said: varosim But where will all those people?


                 Montenegro in dire economic condition. The population barely has the hanger. This problem diskotohet in parliament, and as a deputy proposes conceptual solution: to declare war America, America invades us, then give us bread. - Next lishment and says: what if the America invade us?


                  Done and done as Montenegro declared war China. Chinese President and generals gathered to discuss the situation. - President asks: Where is the lighthouse Montenegro. General gets a map and shows the point at which the map is tiny Montenegro. - Good but the mayor says no resident? - General responses: 500,000. - Thought little head and two Mahala qoji orders for the occupied Montenegro.


                  Hodja he answers the question of

      Nasreddin to say, when the new moon, what is done with the old? The coptojne and make stars. - Nastadin which is among the world? Where have linked donkey, I do not believe it, and would you believe meteni. - Nasreddin has many stars of heaven? The sky is the star, the hair has my ass if I did not believe counting and trust.


      The greengrocers: - "Uncle please potatoes 5 KG but small ones can not bear very seriously."


      A fool drank some water basin. - Qudi was surprised and said that the pool water is not sweet at all, even though here I released a grain of sugar! - Probably not mix ki returned another fool.


    A thief goes on shopping for selling clothes that had been stolen, but a burglar steals her next. The evening which sees wife upset and asks: "Sfitove thing?" No "thief laughing:" This time the prize was sold with lice.


Hasa HYSA go with Njani steals and steals entering the store with the other stays with medium and embark on the lists.
Then there comes a little later a police officer and the chief Huseyin in oak and are self-lis what you embark on bre
And it says, that I read poems
Police: hajt to hear a
Hysa: O how good is Rrezon hana o Has it run off to Nana qi.


A villager from mountainous areas in the city came to seek referral any work. Because for sewage purification is not great competition, that will not tybe share had declined pull farmer, decided to accept, but as for the front and asked do you know literacy.
-Know the type, he replied, "but the reader does not know.
-Write, - said the letter of your name.
-He scrawled something that hell-bound and you can read the letter gave.
-What is it, saw the greatest ruler - and questioned.
I know-what,-said-I told ai.: Writing know, I do not know to read.


Bjondina goes to the doctor. I had both ears fried.
-Doctor, I burned ear? Bjondina complains.
-How did this happen!? The doctor asks, surprised.
-If I was pressed, when my boyfriend called. Instead of the phone we decided iron flush handles!!! -Begins to explain bjondina.
-Yeah, well, the other as a burnt ear!? - Asks again surprised the doctor.

-If I had to call an ambulance.


What is difference bjondines soldier drink? The difference is, when the soldier handed the hands leads, leads bjondina when handed 


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