Thursday, June 6, 2013

Relations between Muslims and non-Muslims

Dr. official website. Yusuf al-Kardawit, by a reader asked whether about the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in Islamic societies, this is the question that has to do with relations among religious Muslim societies, so in essence whether these relationships peaceful or hostile? And that is it permissible for a Muslim to be congratulated them for their holidays and should have the courtesy to them or not?

Dr. official website. Yusuf al-Kardawit, by a reader asked whether about the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in Islamic societies, this is the question that has to do with relations among religious Muslim societies, so in essence whether these relationships peaceful or hostile? And that is it permissible for a Muslim to be congratulated them for their holidays and should have the courtesy to them or not?
His master, Dr.. Yusuf al-Kardawi responded:
Changes in social, political, and social reality are things that happen after the revolution, and with these many issues and many opinions as there remain but have been changing people's perception of them.
And of these things, is the issue of non-Muslims (Ahl Dhimeh) in Islamic societies, so this is what is known as the relations between religious minorities in Islamic societies.
This issue in the world today is given a great importance, and do not allow us to remain in the old jurisprudence (fiqh) regarding this issue, and given the global changes that have occurred, I am forced the challenge of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Shaykh (rahmatullahi alayhi) in not allowing congratulatory feast of non-Muslims by Muslims. So we allow this if the peaceful relationship between them, especially if the relationship between them can be as special kinship, neighborhood, colleagues in schools or universities, work colleagues and other relationships of this nature. All this has to do with the goodness which Allah has not stop us, but rather want it just as well want justice to them'' Allah does not forbid you to do well and justly to those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your houses: for Allah loves those who are just'' Al-Mumtehineh: 8, especially if they'' Who congratulate Muslims greeted with a greeting , you revert even better greeting, or just turn. Allah calculated for each item.'' An-Nisaa: 86.
This should take into account the objectives of sharia right, watching in quotations, as a part of the objectives of the sharia, the quotations associate with others, in connection with the Qur'an tells us'' Allah forbids you not do well and justly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes, Allah loves those who are just'' Al-Mumtehineh: 8, and it is therefore essential is constitutional.
And if today we find that non-Muslims hurt by the Ahl-Dhimeh called'''', and'' say that we do not want people to call us as the People'''' Dhimeh, but we want to call us as citizens . Left to wonder, how would you respond?
Our answer would be: All Islamic jurists (Fukahaja) said that Ahl Dhimeh are residents of Dar al-Islam (Islamic State), and the meaning of this falls under the modern expressions that they are citizens of the Islamic State, so why do not give up the expression of which will hurt them? And to say that they are citizens, as well as Umar gave up something that is even more important than that? Dropped the word'' tribute'' Al-Xhizjeh (paying tax that non-Muslims living in the Islamic state, sp) which is mentioned in the Qur'an.
Tegalub Bani Arabs went to Umar and said,'' We are Arab people and comes tribute hurts us, takes from us many times over if you want just not by that name, take the form of alms-charity or whatever be''. Umar initially hesitated, but said that the Companions'' These people are brave if we do not acknowledge it will be attached so that the Greeks would be more harmful to us. Therefore accept''.
The provisions set based on content and not on the basis of the goals of titles and labels, and we should definitely look at the issue of non-Muslims with another look, and judge the case law and the gradual easing, given the changes that have occurred
Many scholars and shuyukh live in books, they do not live in reality, they are rather lacking reality jurisprudence (Fiqh Al-Vakiah), or you can say that the jurisprudence'' reality'' is missing from them, because they '' I did not read the book of life'' as we read books of the ancients.
For this reason today we find thoughts and opinions as if they came from the tombs!
Allah knows best ...

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