Thursday, June 6, 2013

Words of Grandfather

Words of Grandfather
Aegis lived alone with his grandfather. One day, the boy erdhikokëulur of his grandfather and said:
- You know, Grandpa, I have many desires! ..
- No time to hear a ..., - he said.
- For example, Grandpa, I can not stay without playing, without being ridiculed by others in the street, in the market ... I want to lose more time to games ... I do not know what to do first? Help me, as I improve myself?

A wise old man thought, shook his head and spoke sweetly:
-My nephew, take a glass of milk and send it to the pharmacy. But ... walk very carefully, to Failure to deposit even a drop of milk on the way. Otherwise, if the stream, will tell of your friends throwing eggs between shopping, and shame among all the people.
The boy listened to the advice of his grandfather. Took a cup filled with milk and went to the street ...
After a while, he returned to his grandfather proud. I said:
Street-walked so carefully, as there's no point threw milk.
-For this: Well done, my nephew! - Now tell me: "How many people have laughed all the way?"
The boy's grandfather surprised by the question.
- No, Grandpa! My attention was focused on your message ..., Aegis-retorted.
- You see, my nephew! ... So there must be a commitment to your life goals, which are numerous and endless value ...
This is my message for you! So always have to act! - Said the old man and his grandson lovingly embraced.

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