The story of a brother!!!
The story of a brother!!!Presentation Transcript
1. I am a 22 year old boy, Alhamdulillah Allah has guided (Salaah) to 5 years. I try to be a follower of the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS). I try to give my contribution to religion, but rather my method is through writing. Deal much use the forums where I try to make myself ceremonies to instruct someone in the way of Allah. 2. I know members of the forums as well as forums pagan and Islamic da'wah to bypass a group with which we would also have had success vllazni but among those who have after many have opposing, etc. offended. When pyesëshin anything that you do not know the answer back books but also in most cases imams (Taleb). Many more regjistrofshin address on MSN.3. A day rexhistroj an address where accepted. After some time this address rexhistroj who greeted me said a ban even a question to me even after I replied submit the answer, so I started the conversation that lasted nearly two hours long, it happened on 18 Gushtë.Gjatë this conversation, interlocutor age was 20 years old girl after she was bald, and she began to talk with some expressions that do not have shade Muslims and us. Satan deceived me and gave us a good impression in conversation, so tomorrow I wrote your message and it said that I want to talk with you again, it has also welcomed this invitation mine too.4. We started to talk and question after question she told me that I have the desire to Martone is a religious guy, but I have said that religious terms, she replied what are those conditions that give you? I've mentioned it a few conditions where one of them was not to be përlyt past (be honest) and now I put the cover. We started talking to do to-day until the day was in love " ". It was the home of the Internet and claimed to have limited internet than with nejt and not leaving the house5. She said that in order not to betrothal because he had 3 brothers and 1 sister before her. After a week of talks where it stated that surprised me was covered. Allahu Akbar was very happy about this, but now she had problems with her family especially her father where he threatened to leave home because of its coverage. But it was also përmbajtu somewhat calmed her family. We kept on our daily conversation. At that time I had a lot of close friends but she had a very close friend, so they informed the KeShun was added and the connection even more. She swore that wanted more, even more than herself, but I also like very much the girl with her but not of one mind with shkojke. I was able to do everything for that girl, every day on the Internet folnim hours. I had no internet at home so I had to go by bus but always had close many nights-in. It was very pioneering in conversation with girl, she always qelte topics we discussed them, topics that were 100% erotic (stagfurllah).6. Folnim word that is spoken reproach among men and women. Mi wrote several messages a day and claimed that there is no nejt mj with you, I had every break that uses the Internet, where I often come from working hours to free already if not I have a new message. Many though had among themselves, say that no one else but us had so many. I began to lose much time. I was taught by a religious course of several imams (follower of the Sunnah) before njoftohesha where this girl was more regular student, never had any absence not made, also in open lectures of the first ever go, but now My life began to change. Even though I went back to teaching the mullahs had not the concentration in lectures, I started to become lazy, in open lectures where gjthnjë of the first go, I started to go after classes often started at the end of the class but also happen pull not to go. I tell him that all the secrets of my life that no one but Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) not Dinett.7. And she showed her life things. We gave each other oath by Allah that we will get married to each other and move together in this world and in Paradise insha'Allah. She has said that parents of very dangerous, and not leaving the pack with anywhere. Saying that it is isolated and all day at home and encrypted stick together with its sister. Saying that when you say my father will tell you that I'm in love with a boy and not pick anyone but him, but had washed after Ramadan. Said he never went to the mosque, leaving the parents do not, stating, at least go up to the door of the mosque want nothing else. The premtojsha that if you marry in the Fajr prayer Bash go to the mosque. Oath saying: By Him in Whose hand is my soul - that I love, I love only you. Martone stating, if not with you will kill yourself - this is very painful to me also advise that no ban also say that the ban did not lose hope of our union, I was also able to wait many, many years because all Other girls seemed not to anything. Top stating, even if you do not pick will always love you, my son will appoint with your name not to be forgotten ever. Many residential joke between them, folnim for dhëndërrisë night for many things. Top stating, many are barely even cried our schedule is waiting for the talk.8. Talking slowly approaching the sacred month of Ramadan. I said that so far we have talked a lot more things that God is not pleased, so we Ramadan will probably ban them altogether conversation expression. At the beginning of Ramadan not enter the net but get put off slowly began to speak again but just simple things shprejhe not stink. I always Bajshim the time of Iftar and Suhoor Allah unite us in dunya and the hereafter. During the conversation with the girl that I decided to tell my family that I love a girl. My family welcomed the news and many rejoiced. Placed the family in the spring and do ENGAGEMENT (if specified). E from her family knew only its morte. Photographer girl therefore keep it on my phone and every time they deepen in Shikin of that picture. Many were happy that we were together. Near the end of Ramadan in every day Folin added to each well love us even more. We often occupied at the time of breaking the fast talking together.9. On the 27th night of Ramadan (the Night of Power) and waited but did not enter it into the net, but 5 minutes before Iftar came with it said that not many overs' with nejt but already wanted to tell me her house today first time in her life decides to have the kids send it to the glass, and that it was very emocionune. I was very happy about this news. The next day the net income in the ambush but did not enter it into the net, but he wrote your message. The next day the other entries I see that I have not returned my message, and wait until the iftar at the again that I wrote your wait but you do not go. He had loved so much that he gave the passwords to each other. On the third day after the Asr prayer regards the entries in the net, I saw that I received this message on her behalf.10. But when I read it to mean, even if I'm not your girlfriend but its morte am very sorry and tell you that, your girlfriend the night of Qadr is in hospital! ? He told me that night when we went to the mosque said that your girlfriend has just told me that the heart Qelë said that all prayer has cried. After prayers return to one's home being told their gears hit a shleper where your daughter said the hospital also have to send it in 2 days found in the stove friend said that the doctor has said there is no chance with rescued. When I read this message just is weakening my body, hands do not work wore them led the mouse, the Internet began to cry loudly. All who were near me to see what the internet has this man is crying so much? Suddenly when her address was bald, and there was her morte. Straight away I asked my daughter from O, she told me after lunch today has died.11. Many were dëshprova I cried even more. I did not go home but I went to the mosque and I've entered in the Qur'an otek'm close secluded cried a long time until at Iftar time. We then organized an Iftar in the restaurant with vllazni that day and when I went all shoqnia eat but me bread I was competing after the split already have exploded again and I am not stop the tears. That night I did not forgive mujt the Tarawih prayer but only defective Isha also have emerged. I entered the net and I send it to her sister a message to call me on the phone to the market that it is time vorrimi in which mosque to pray the funeral prayer. That night I have not slept all night. There were asleep and stay on the phone in hand waiting for the call from her sister to tell me about the time of vorrimit. Rrishin with me that night, two of my close friends. He made friends dual phone he also spoke out something.12. After a while I saw that I'm not calling on the phone and then decided that shock is said that after the morning prayer will depart from that country even though I do not know when it gets there vorrimi but I many brothers of those will help me when he suddenly friend told me that it have vorros that has informed the girl who had informed us. I began to cry again because he dëshprova one could not be it the funeral prayer, until prayer time came at night, and now went to the mosque for Kijamu Layl so do not keep feet that night but already four cycles instead of greetings. So I continued, and nesërmit not go to work. I told my home girl that loved that had already died. Cried my family especially my mother where she was lying two days of suffering. It came the day of Eid al-Fitr, I was not alone. Neither went to visit but when we came to visit not to go out with the welcome. Just go to the mosque and it was the only place where you can qetësohesha.13. When I went online and saw that it has come a message send it my church and its sister apologized that he could not tell you for vorrimin because she knew her not so sure, but already has heard from his father when now I send it to her grave. Then tell me some more life events thanks especially since they recognize me. Showed me cry more than thojke that he wanted it too you, and many other stories that tears flow. From that moment I had heard that it sunnah prayers death I always pray that I did that I adore: My Lord EHEA Sarah, my Lord have mercy, O my Lord enlarges TOMB, My Lord illuminates TOMB, O Lord Benj TOMB OF AN Gardens The gardens IA DOES NOT FROM AN pit pit of Hell, My Lord QELJA WINDOWS FROM WINDOWS TO A Paradise, My Lord unites us in Paradise us both etc.. Most thonte her sister is very upset that her family, and said that the brother who was with when making traffic crash and that her brother had a broken arm Brij, he did not tell her to death and that he was very much she pressed. I was cold, not even the thought of marriage for a long time or perhaps no less (for life). All Woodlands when they see me tell me you're not good, you have changed a lot, or not laugh, red eyes if you stick fell even more (you lose more pounds) but I do not speak, so I continued.14. After spending Eid on October 27 to watch online entries MSN ndonjëkush not sent me a message, but when I saw the church on a message came from the address of that girl who wanted even more. I began to read the message and began to read not to believe my eyes! Wrote in message that: Halal ban me, that I lied, because no mortal Sarah, I'm alive, all I've done so far has been kidding! ? Says: I'm a 19 year old girl that I am married and have a child and am covered but so far I have made jokes with you. Said you can now do what you want with me, say I'm now really in love with you, I do not care about mj with my son, husband not love me as I love to see, so if I have not Married will only take you. If I could say would leave my family would leave my husband and child and you go along in jihad. I'm really says it's especially bad for your mother ...! I was surprised with what I saw. Subhan Allah, my two and a half months lost in vain, I destroy my life, my family even bother me at the end made me that joke, so halal ban me! I could not believe the hatred began and went on the head began to ache from it that I saw. Then I shlyre 74 messages she sent me (which I maintain) the false picture of her. Then I have written a message and I said: Allah forgive me for I have sinned they became. Is it really a joke! ?15. Do you know how much time I lost with you - Do you know that you've bruised my heart with sin - You know that you've ruined my life - Do you know that you've disturbed my family - Do you know As I shed tears for you - You know how much I missed Islamic lectures after you - Do you know how much money I spent talking with you I told you first that you swore by Allah falsely with dozens of times, you You tradhëtura your husband, you play with the feelings of Muslims, so what is expected of such a mother? And finally say BAN MA BA halal THAT HAVE kidding! I never said not to byte Halal, also suggested that the Day of Judgment will seek justice before the Almighty Allah. I've said that so far you have led this game, but from now on I will run. After a while a brother discover all about the girl: Who is that girl, her real name, maiden name and nurësirë, child's name, the name of her husband, her husband what works, the address where live phone number. I announce yourself that girl and now I say again that I led the game ". " I said that just as you played with my family I will now inform your husband and tell you everything that will happen even bother your family.16. But again TALLAHI bellah vallahin sorrow that has just destroyed a Muslim family to the ultimate end dhimtë child just because he is not guilty at all and just ache so wash well. After a while he calmed down and went and went back to my normal life, went back to lectures and within two weeks the brothers announced by an association that you are on our list to go to Hajj. Allahu Akbar too was happy, the dorzova passport and Kryta Hajj and within a year was engaged to marry a fair girl. So I advise all Muslim brothers who have carefully from the Internet, because the Internet is a double-edged sword. A Muslim must use strengths of the Internet, those who serve religion and his life, not those who destroy his faith and life. And I ask Allah the Almighty have mercy MORE TO ME AND THANKS OH MY SINS HAVE DONE THAT, AND MA given the honor to be martyred in his path - Allaahumma AMIN
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