Thursday, June 6, 2013

Natural response - Allah is the Creator

The Qur'an in many places recorded natural response of many people that Allah is the Creator The Quran makes this record even by unbelievers, by those who followed in worship with Allah other idols of those who took the opportunity to approach to God, to those who believe Angels by calling them girls God, to those who do not believe in God at all, to those who believed other than Allah, those who worshiped nature and the universe, creating idols of various shapes and types of worship to be claiming that they are taken as excuse to be closer to Allah, those who build idols of different sexes, they did not do this just by denying the existence of God. But they knew not God therefore tried to approximate that His presence to create signs and various idols trying to know the Lord better. Depending on their view of God and idols came, they thought that God as creator of man to create images of the human form of sharing in gender, while those who felt God as something majestic and idols made in the form of large, and they thought that God did something as terrific shape idols being scary, they thought that God as the giver as something good and then tried to figuratively through their idols and present this quality.

What is the story of the arrival of the greatest idol in the Arabian Peninsula?
This happened Kelbiu mentions in his book about idolatry, which means that a man named Amr Ibn Al-Hararij played came from the Arabian Peninsula to seek recovery in Ma'een pools located in the south of Jordan. After recovering, during his return Petras passes through the city which is known for rock processing. Petras residents were given the opportunity of making the rock so the entire city had set in stone, among these rock engravings they had made numerous idols and the rocks were presented figuratively attributes of God. And when they were asked about their answer that they are our gods, they seek food and feed us, and we ask you to bring rain water, we seek healing and healed. This Ameri impressed that they had gone to seek treatment areas therefore require them one that would bring healing. Residents of Petras such a refined it by his nickname "God of healing" and donated Ameri. Ameri took an image, and together with the return of the Arabian Peninsula. Upon arrival in Makkah, he took and placed inside the Kaaba idol, knowing that the Kaaba is the most clean and place of worship largest in the world. This is the first case, as stated, the introduction of idols in the Kaaba. People at that time did Tawaf around the Ka'bah but that over time they forgot idol history and thought that he is part of the Kaaba therefore began to worship together with their worship that made the Kaaba. This idol called Hubble.
Thus began the history of idolatry in the Arabian Peninsula to continue later with the creation of two idols that aludonin in a kite that had made the Kaaba immorality, and that through these two idols trying to figuratively represent God's anger against gesture them. Allah had destroyed the country and people, destroying their idols up trying to tell people about it was that had happened and that their own were a reminder of how man sentenced for immorality and is heavier than the punishment of Allah Over time, people forgot the story and forgot the goal of putting them in the Ka'bah putave therefore started making Tawaf (spinning) thought about their gods or opportunities that are approaching to God. As we ask these idolaters and disbelievers those who is God? They naturally respond that it is Allah, but they took all your idols to worship His companion. They accept that God is the Creator and that He creates, provides, but not only worshiped as idols therefore take accompanying Allah in worship. They even accept Allah for God were not able to accept His oneness, in connection with this Allah says: "If you ask them:" Who created the heavens and the earth and subjected (to move) sun and moon? "They will say:" Allah! "And as ye turn back, then? "29:61, and also says:" And if you ask them: 'Who sends down rain from heaven and gives life to the earth after its death? "They say:" Allah! "Say:" Praise be to Allah, but most do not think "29:63, in a quotation says:" If thou ask them who created them, they will surely say: "Allah!" How So turn away? "43:87.
Even the unbeliever in case of accident, illness, or test fully accept the existence of God and immediately turn to Him to seek His help. And also there are many stories to tell that this is stated by Lincoln in his days the hardest during the civil wars, in which he said: Without the help of God that is with me can not prevail if the line this will not help then mposhtem1. The event is also a disbelieving doctor who along with his patient were convinced that there is no medicine for the sick, as it was for 13 years. So the doctor advises him to pray as the only hope that remained was in heaven, said that after a week the patient returned to her doctor and was completely healed.
This means that God addresses man xh, sh prayer only add to the confidence of since Allah answers his prayer. Allah says: "And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am near, I answer the prayer when he calls upon Me, therefore for them to be guided, let me answer them and let me believe I "2:186.

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